“Word of Mouth” Advertising Is No Accident

SEO Package
2 min readMay 1, 2019


It seems like lately, all the buzz is about The Secret, a book that talks about how to attract abundance. That “buzz” is really word of mouth advertising, and it’s another great way to attract the clients and customers who can create your abundance.

Now I’ll share what I believe is the secret behind The Secret — and behind word of mouth advertising. While there’s no doubt that having a positive attitude and believing in yourself will do wonders for your outlook and make you more attractive for others to be around, there is no magic formula. All the belief in the world won’t produce as much as planned, persistent, ongoing effort.

This is the kind of question I get all the time: “I’m a chiropractor running a small office. What is the best, least expensive way for me to get the word out about my business? I network with local business associations having heard that word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Any tips for me?”

Word of mouth advertising — people telling other people how wonderful you are — is great because it is based on positive experience and the trust between friends. But how do you generate positive word of mouth?

Great word of mouth advertising is no accident — and it’s not entirely free. Here are five tips to start creating good buzz and get word of mouth working for you.

#1 Don’t Limit Your Networking. Business groups are great, but you’re likely to meet good prospects everywhere you go. This is especially true for someone in a business like this chiropractor. Everyone knows someone with a sore back. Go to women’s organizations, newcomer groups, area sports programs, recreation and lifestyle groups. Get out into the community and get to know people — and let them get to know you.

#2 Ask for Referrals. Ask your current clients or patients to recommend you to their friends and family. Depending on the norm for your industry, it may be appropriate to offer some kind of thank you for a referral that schedules an appointment — ranging from a discount on the next visit, to an affiliate fee or a small imprinted item. Ask on コラゲナイトの口コミについてthe intake form, ask when you’re talking to the client, ask when they pay at the register or on your invoice. Ask!

#3 Always have an elevator speech. Your “elevator speech” is a 30 second answer to the question, “And what do you do?” It should be 4–5 sentences long, and should cover your name, your company’s name, the key benefit you provide to clients and what makes you unique. Practice until you’re comfortable, and you’ll always be your own best advertisement.

