How Does Website Security Affect Your SEO

6 min readJan 10, 2020


SEO Services In USA

Do you host a website? Well, then when was the last time you sat and seriously though about its website security? Have you and your Professional SEO Service provider team sat and talked over all the new website security trends that are now being implemented? Do you know how these website security trends affect your SEO efforts?

It could be that you may be spending billions of dollars on your website SEO to make your website rank better, but the lack of knowledge on the website security park will take you and your website nowhere. As a host of a website, you should know that the measures you take in for maintenance, hosting, and security of the website can drastically affect your SEO. Your every investment in Ads Words or Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaign in order to attract traffic goes in vain if your website is not secure and have a low-quality hosting provider.

In this digital age, website security is soothing you need to take seriously in order to make your website rank better. This is not because these website security measures are prudent, but the lack of these measures can and will affect your SEO efforts. Google too, is keen to promote the use of encrypted and secure connections so that they can make the internet a safer place for people to surf. In early 2014, Google even announced that having HTTPS will from now on become a global standard for the ranking signal. This simply means that using or not using HTTPS on your website can affect your website’s ranking on search engine results.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is known as the basic standard for identifying protected and authorized websites. When you search on the internet or access any website, there is a lot of information that is passed between you and the webserver. However, if the website you are using has a standard HTTP connection, a third party or an unauthorized person could likely be aware of all your moves and information that you are putting out. This makes all your personal information that includes, passwords, card numbers, address, and allot more at great risk. Similarly, if you are accessing a website that an HTTPS connection, you can relax as these websites have website security turned on them and no other third party can access the information you use there. HTTPS connects generally provide the user with a much more secure and authorized interface.

Now, let’s have a look at all the possible ways website security trends can affect your SEO practices.

HTTPS Will increase Your Search Engine Ranking

In this present era, we all know that websites now have to earn its organic search rankings. Many business and website owners get caught up in figuring out what Google wants from their website rather than what their clients want from them. There is nothing wrong in thinking of Google, however, your very first priority should be your users — the people you made your website in order to cater to their needs.

This simply means that you need to present your end-user with secure, encrypted, and relevant content websites so that they feel secure when interacting with your website. However, if you have an unsafe website (HTTP), you can easily be seen throwing a wrench on your SEO efforts.

Therefore, in order to present your user with a secure and safe platform for them to interact with, you need to make sure that you switch to HTTPS domains. For which, you need to purchase an SSL certificate. Most of the times, the SSL certificate is given o you for free form the person you purchase your website from. This is also why Google makes HTTPS a necessary part for ranking your website. However, you should know that applying HTTPS on your website will not immediately boost your ranking, it will take its time with it’s all worth the hassle you face when you don’t have it.

Your Website Shouldn’t Get Black Listed

Having a website that does not have HTTPS does not mean that you have poor content, it, however, means that your website is prone to be hacked at any given time due to lack of protection. SEO Services In USA put a lot of effort to come up with unique SEP practices and do every possible thing to make those practices work. Therefore, it is essential for you to always protect your website regardless of how long you’ve had your site up or how much quality content it has.

However, if you find out that your website has been hacked or is infected with malware, you should immediately consult a Professional SEO Consultant and a person who can help you get out of such a situation. They will help you restore your website to normal into its pre-hack version. Also, in order to get your pre-hacked website version back, you need to have a backup so that you can easily restore it. There are certain traditional platform does offer backups, you should daily backup your website so that it can easily be restored without any hassle if there is a security breach.

However, if your website gets hacked, it may also get blacklisted by Google and other search engines for not being secured. On average, Google blacklists around 10,000–11,000 websites per day. The sever effect you get from blacklisting is that your website will be removed from the search engine index entirely. Even if you perform every possible task to clean, restore, and backup your site in order to make it securer than before, you still will be asked to go through a submission process to get your website back into action again.

Remove All Possible Ways For Malware

One of the easiest ways to hack a website is to implant malware on it. It is often done in order to collect a certain set of data or to infect the website in a certain way. Moreover, only 10% of the websites that have malware are detected by Google, that’s more like putting yourself at a huge risk. Apart from this, if you get blacklisted by Google, it’s not an easy task to get your site back into action as it requires an extensive process.

However, now web browsers have started to warn the user just when they are about to use the website regarding the presence of malware labelling the website potentially dangerous for use. Most of the times, you will also be able to see a popup that states “This site may harm your computer” or “this website may be hacked”. In such a case, you’ll want to take every possible step in order to stop or prevent a hacking attempt from happening.

A simple way through which you can prevent malware is to have a scanning software that will itself detect, scan, and remove the malware from your websites. To keep your website safe, you should regularly use systematic security scans and keep a backup of your website. You can also use free security software that is available online or use their premium feature that will give you an added security shield.


Web security should now and always be your top priority when it comes to website hosting. It shouldn’t be only to get your SEO leveled up but to present your users with an exceptional website amazing. You need to present your user with a safe and secure browsing experience so that your user can trust you. Having your website properly secured will eventually decrease any possible changes to having malware, viruses, or hacking incidents.

Always remember to first evaluate and to keep updating your website hosting and security all the time. Having poor hosting and security will eventually lead to plot holes that can affect and undermine your SEO work. Hire the Best SEO Company In USA to help you achieve maximum website security with their amazing SEO Services In USA.




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