How quickly do I receive the EC-Terminal?

seo ramim
2 min readMar 28, 2023


The delivery time for an EC-terminal can vary depending on various factors such as the shipping method chosen, the location of the vendor, and the shipping destination. Some vendors may offer expedited shipping options that can speed up delivery times, but these may come at an additional cost.

If you have already placed an order for an EC-terminal, you should contact the vendor or payment service provider to inquire about the expected delivery time. They will be able to provide you with a more specific estimate based on your location and shipping method.

If you have not yet placed an order, it’s a good idea to inquire about delivery times before making a purchase. This can help ensure that you receive your EC-terminal in a timely manner and can start accepting payments as soon as possible.

Can I change to another Flat Rate?

The ability to change to another flat rate depends on the terms and conditions of the flat rate that you are currently subscribed to. Some flat rates may allow you to switch to a different flat rate at any time, while others may have restrictions or penalties for changing rates before a certain period has elapsed.

To find out if you can switch to another flat rate, you should contact the service provider or company that you are subscribed to and inquire about their policy regarding rate changes. They will be able to provide you with information on whether you can switch to a different flat rate and any fees or penalties associated with doing so.

It’s also important to consider whether changing to a different flat rate is the best option for your needs. Make sure you understand the features and pricing of the new flat rate before making any changes to ensure that it fits your budget and usage requirements.

