Social WiFi Technology, How Automotive Dealerships Use Mobile Marketing to Reach More Local Buyers!

seoservice master
2 min readJun 24, 2019


Social WiFi Technology

Helps Automotive Dealerships Close Deals

Mobile marketing made easier with Social WiFi technology. Immediately reach mobile buyers to sell and promote big ticket items like Cars & Trucks to mobile users when they step on your lot before they search your competition.

We have found that dealerships utilizing mobile communication tools are improving the mobile user experience leading to a proven increased ROI.

Potential customers who visit your showroom, service department and dealership lot are the ideal audience for delivering a social marketing messages through social WiFi connections, This method of mobile marketing could make the difference between just looking or buying.

Repeat customers will be more receptive to targeted mobile messages that are designed to encourage purchasing the latest model or benefiting from special dealer offers for new cars, services and parts.

Mobile users are searching and buying big ticket items like Cars & Trucks. Dealerships adopting mobile user technology such as social WiFi hotspots are improving the mobile user experience to increased sales.

Social WiFi Vs. Free WiFi?

A typical WiFi internet connection is located at the dealership, paid monthly for limited bandwidth access, limited control, private or public access. The dealership has limited knowledge who’s logged on/off and for how long, this could be costing the dealership even more money monthly.

A social WiFi hotspot is a WiFi 縛りなしWiFi 評判 bridge that allows public users access to the internet. Mobile user give permission, sign on with a social media account in exchange for sharing dealership promotions or marketing pages. The dealership marketing department controls the mobile experience, such as length of user time on line, and types of car or truck promotions users purchase, helping the dealership turn the WiFi service into a profitable mobile marketing machine.

Dealership Benefits

This mobile marketing technology helps potential buyers visiting the showroom, service department or parking area surrounding the building direct access to immediate automotive promotions, discounts, overstocked inventory before buyers begin searching the internet for comparative pricing and models. Social WiFi could make the difference between ‘just looking’ and buying.

