Cable Fault Detector — The Best Machine to Check Faults

2 min readJul 2, 2022


Cable faults create damage to cables that affect the resistance in the cable. Cable fault can cause a complete or partial voltage breakdown. Cable fault is the process of locating the periodic faults of the cable. Shock discharge generators are the most helpful device forfinding the cable fault location.
Cable faults happen due to the dampness in the paper insulation or damaged lead generation. Due to chemical reactions inside the Earth, it can cause cable faults. Insufficient protection and mechanical damage are the significant cause of damaging the cable.

Types of Cable Fault

Ground fault
Cross or short circuit faults
Open circuit fault

What is a Cable Fault Detector Machine?
Underground cable fault locator is an automatic cable fault locating machine with LCD technology. This machine is a combination of pulse reflecting technology and an intelligent bridge testing method. This machine can assume the exact location of a broken line, cross faults, and Earth.
It is a microprocessor-based fault locator with user-friendly features.

Cable Fault Locator Equipment
Some cable fault detectormachine has high and low resistance capacity as per the faults in power cables. The stored energy of this high voltage cable fault detector has huge potentiality for detecting the cable fault.

Cable Fault Detector

