Top 5 Defensive Driving Tips to Keep You Safe

5 min readMar 24, 2020


We all are aware of the fact of how dangerous driving can be at times. However, we may be able to control our actions behind the wheel whilst we are helpless when it comes to other individuals who are a part of the road dynamics. This brings us to be compliant with defensive driving.

Defensive driving can be a great deal for you to keep yourself and others safe. Especially as it not only saves you money and time but can make you a better driver regardless of the conditions you are surrounded with.

As a defensive driver, you need to be well prepared and alert for the unforeseen since we have to face a variety of situations each that come with its course of set reactions. What you can do is enhance your defensive driving skills with a few tips, which will help you discipline yourself for every time you get on the road. A few obvious outlines can help you reduce the risk of accidents and save your vehicle from any additional wear and tear.

A set of 5 essential defensive driving tips will help you in keeping everyone around you safe as you become a safe and disciplined driver.

Pay Attention and Look Far Ahead

Do not try to opt for unnatural speeds like pacing up for a speed greater than the designated 15mph. What you may not have noticed is that many of you do not tend to look in your surroundings while driving and only focus on the vehicle ahead of you. The key is to look ahead, MILES ahead of your vehicle. Watch out if a vehicle is close by, or maybe its just a pedestrian or a cat crossing the road. Do not come in the way of an aggressive driver while ensure to constantly checking your mirrors every 20–30 seconds.

This technique is to foresee any hazards since you will have a better overview of the road dynamics and happenings — allowing you to react smartly to any accidents since you have planned ahead.

Look At The Bigger Picture

Have you attended your driving lessons? Do you have a driver’s license?

If, yes! Then, do you know the meaning of “Getting the bigger picture?”

I am guessing you must be sitting blank right now. This is precisely the situation that most driving education students encounter. This is the scenario because no one was able to accurately convey its meaning to you. It is all about putting an end to those bad habits, which are the hardest ones to break!

For instance, not texting while driving, or being distracted by your radio or maybe munching on food or even lighting a smoke as you ignore the hazards that are ahead of you.

It is your job to keep our vehicle safe in every possible way whilst being alert for any hazard that can come across. It is a concept that not many of us may be able to comprehend while not instructors are able to fairly convey them. As complex as it may sound, it’s even harder to implement it.

Make Sure to Have an Escape Plan

To ensure a safe driver’s practice, you need to have an escape plan on board — a skill that cannot be learned instantly but may take a while to be expert in. It follows a basic concept that despite how good of a driver you are, you can never predict as to what other drivers around you are going to do. As humans, we all have different reactions to a situation; hence you need to be prepared for any given scenarios that may instill upon you.

For instance, what will you do when a sudden dog appears in between the road while everyone pulls their brakes, Or where will you go when maybe someone’s tires tend to blow out, and their vehicle starts to uncontrollably spin. The question is, how will you drive safely in such emergency situations without being a victim?

To prevent such situations, you always need to have an escape plan for which you need to be independent and not rely on other drivers to make a smart move.

Ensure To Maintain A Proper Following Distance

The most common mistake in the history of driving that we humans make is not maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles. Moreover, not only do we ignore ensuring a safe distance but maintaining a safe speed too.

For instance, if you are riding at a speed of 120mph and have maintained a safe distance between the vehicle ahead of you, this will never result in an accident. However, as per human nature, we ride in a back to back train structured pattern without leaving ample space in between.

To ensure a healthy driving technique, leave around 3–4 seconds of space so that if you pull the brakes, it gives you quite a good space to safely stop your vehicle and prevent you from bumping.

Remove Driving Distractions

The cars of today have evolved to a modernized system filled with GPS trackers, subwoofers, those cool flat-screen televisions, tech-savvy onboard computers, and even satellite radios, which serve as a great distraction. In fact, texting while driving or attending a work meeting phone call in the car whilst eating in the car can all contribute towards a distracting factor amidst your driving. In fact, some might even be distracted with the people sitting in the car, let alone by just staring out.

What you need to do is not entertain your phone while driving — may be put in on the do not disturb mode. Park your car to eat food, and do not drive if you have not had a good night’s sleep.

These are a few scenarios that you need to prevent to be focused on the road and give in your complete attention.

Bottom Line

You need to learn to be a defensive driver to ensure your safety. Otherwise, you can be struck with dangerous and unavoidable situations. But now that you have a few tips on hand grasp your control on that wheel and drive away!




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