SEO Audit Tool Helps to Improve site Ranking On SERP

4 min readJul 2, 2018


If you are owning a website and struggling to improve its ranking on SERP, all you need to do is check for the lags on your website with the best site audit tool. Now, we have launched one best basic and free SEO monitoring tool- Seosyn, it will help you find the lagging factor that is crawl barring your website on the search engine.

In this tool for SEO contains basic yet very essential estimation features that search engines consider to rank a page.

Features on Seosyn tool

Easily signup and login into the Seosyn website, then on Add your project, enroll your site’s URL. In just a few minutes it will provide complete details on your website, on the following factors,

  • Title tag

Title tags are the most important aspect of a page. An attractive title can compulsively pull visitors to your page. So it is worth spending a time on deciding a perplexing title for your page. And the title tag is one part of a meta tag and will give a precise idea for visitors about the content lying inside the page.

Seosyn will analyze the presence of exact title tag at the top of the HTML <head>. Only one title tag is allowed per document, and it will check the number of characters present on the title tag. The max limit of characters on a title is 55–60. If all is fine then it will take the title- tag as passed with no issues on it.

  • Meta description

Meta description tag will be present before Meta keyword and after title page on the HTML attribute. A small description ranging from 140–160 characters will be present below every link on the SERP that will provide the brief description about the content present inside the page. This description will help a visitor to know about the outline of content present inside the page. So here itself a visitor can decide whether to click on that link or not.

Seosyn Tool will check for the number of characters and the presence of your keyword on the Meta description. If both aspects are fine, then it will place the meta description in the pass section with a good remark for it.

  • Keyword consistency

Keyword consistency plays a major role in ranking your page. Keyword consistency means how often a particular word is present in the entire article. And it is the ratio of given keyword to the total amount of text in the article. Higher keyword density may mark your page as spam on the search engine.

It will check for the number of times the keyword is repeated. If it is equal/below the stipulated number then keyword consistency will be checked with a pass, with a good remark.

  • Alt attributes

Alt on HTML attributes is given to load an image on the page. For every image present on your page it should contain an alt tag or else your image will not be loaded. This is a command to load contents other than texts on the page. Page present with images but not displayed won’t please the visitors. Also, alt tag for images will make the images on your page to appear on the search engine image result page.

It will validate for the alt tags for every uploaded image on the HTML. If it is rightly provided for all images present on the page then it will take alt attributes as pass with a good remark.

  • Internal page links

In page links are the links present on your page to redirect visitors to the content which they exactly like to view on your page.

Seosyn will check the in-page link directory and if all work fine then it will intake it into the pass section with providing a good remark.

  • Broken links

Broken links are the external incorrect links for your page when clicked by visitors will display an error page. These links are to be found by the webmaster and have to be corrected to make visitors rightly redirected to your page when clicked on your provided link.

Seosyn will check for the presence of any broken links on your page and if any present it will denote it as an issue. And if not present it will take broken links into pass section with providing a good remark.

  • WWW Resolve

WWW resolve code can help you escape the penalization from Google. When users type your web address with or without www then it should redirect to the same page. If not then Google will think that as two different with duplicate content and will penalize you for that.

It will check for the presence of the WWW resolve code on your source page, and if present it will take it into the pass section with a good remark.

It will display the site audit report on your dashboard, on clicking the report for your page you can view the pass percentage, factors to improve, and critical errors percentage.

And below of that you can briefly view the issue on that particular facets and also it will highlight on colors, red for immediate correction, and yellow as a warning to be corrected in near future.

Final thought

If you are striving to place your page at top of the SERPs. All you have to do is just check your site audit on the free SEO monitoring tool- Seosyn and make the corrections as directed and easily place your page on top as you desired.




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