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Native vs Hybrid App 2018 (Most Important)

4 min readMay 22, 2018


The user experience for your mobile app development is more important to your business than you might think.

From last decade, mobile app development has become the important part of innovation. With the increasing demand for smartphone devices, most of the companies are incorporating mobile apps in their business flow so as to boost their market outreach.

The companies have to do detailed planning about different types of processes if they are looking to jump into the development of mobile apps and specifically the native vs hybrid app. Before heading for application development, one has to decide upon the way in which they are looking to create and deploy the app. During the preliminary research for your app’s development, you would face a couple of problems like what should be built- native vs hybrid app? Which platform would be the best native mobile app development or hybrid mobile application development? The answers to these queries depend on the following factors:

  • The Speed of Moblie Application
  • Mobile App Development Budget
  • Required features in the app
  • Maim reason for building a mobile app

For a better decision making, let us discuss the native vs hybrid app. Also, have a look at the advantages of hybrid apps & advantages of native apps.

Source: tecHindustan

Hybrid Development

A hybrid mobile app is a program that is built using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript and is wrapped in a native container, however, there are some advancements like Flutter and more for applications that work with languages, unlike HTML5. There are a number of native web frameworks available, that can help you in Hybrid Development.

Advantages of Hybrid Apps:

  • Hybrid Development is Faster
  • Hybrid mobile app is easy and simple to maintain
  • Cross-platform UI
  • Integration with device file system
  • Multi platform application development with a single code

Native Mobile App Development

A native mobile app is a program that has been programmed in a particular programming language for the devices that have specific operating system. The native mobile app development is easy and also, there are a number of resources available. For instance, these apps can take advantage of operating system features and the other program tools that are already installed on that platform. They also have access to various phone functions such as contact list, camera, gallery and more. Usually, the native mobile apps are compiled into machine code. These provisions help native apps that perform best on a mobile device.
Although native mobile app development is easy and there are a number of resources available, it might not be easily understandable to everyone. Code has to be re-written for each platform where as, in hybrid development single code works for every platform. The only thing that remains same is the logic, but the language APIs and the development process might vary. Sometimes, this process becomes long for complex applications.

Advantages of Native Apps:

  • A higher degree of reliability
  • Native features can best be exploited
  • Native mobile app support both the online and offline transactions
  • Simple yet better user experience and fast performance
  • Native SDKs allows accessing device features without dealing with the complexity of native plugins

As these apps can be built for particular Operating System, a company or an organization is required for making duplicate versions of the app. So that, it can work on multiple platforms. For example, the video games for mobile devices are mostly resulting of native mobile app development.

Let us discuss more about native vs hybrid app by comparing them with each other!

Hybrid App vs Native App

Source: tecHindustan

Cost and time required for mobile app development

Hybrid development takes a less amount of time for their development and is developed at comparatively lesser prices as compared to the native mobile app development. It really doesn’t mean that native mobile apps are bad, native and hybrid apps have their own set of advantages.

User Experience

Native mobile apps offer the best user experience as they are specifically designed for a single app store. The screen size is taken optimum care of and so the hardware capabilities. Whereas, with hybrid apps, it is quite impossible to offer good user experience with a single application code for all platforms.

Paid or free apps

As native mobile apps have the best UI, hence paid apps are generally advised. But free apps can be built as hybrid apps.

Flutter vs React Native
Become a Better Programmer


The native and hybrid apps have their own advantages and disadvantages as listed in the post “native vs hybrid app”. The final decision of platform selection totally depends on the requirement of the company. After taking note of the requirements, it is advised to get in touch with mobile app developers who will get your ideas to board.
It is always better to outsource app development rather than hiring a permanent in-house setup. Also, this approach will make your app look and feel like a natural transit. At tecHindustan, our team helps you choose the right app for your idea.
If you are looking to share your views on mobile application development, leave a response- we would love to get in touch with you.

Other than native vs hybrid app, we have written many blogs related to technology, self improvement and many more here

If you still have confusion for native vs hybrid app. Visit Hybrid App vs Native App

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