Local Services Ads: Proximity No Longer Key Ranking Factor

SEO Villas Private Limited
7 min readMay 16, 2024
Local Services Ads: Proximity No Longer Key Ranking Factor

Remember the good ol’ days of local searches? Back then, being the closest plumber or electrician practically guaranteed a flood of customers. But hold on, fellow local business warriors — the landscape of Local Services Ads (LSAs) seems to be shifting. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a recent update from Google that might surprise you: proximity is no longer the undisputed king of LSA ranking.

Now, before you hit the panic button, hear us out! This update doesn’t mean your local business is suddenly doomed. It simply means Google is prioritizing other factors to ensure users find the absolute best fit for their needs, regardless of how close your shop might be.

Google recently removed proximity from its official list of key LSA ranking factors. This might sound like a game-changer, but let’s unpack the reasoning behind it. Think about it — for certain service sectors, like say, virtual bookkeeping or online marketing consultations, physical location might not be the biggest dealbreaker for a customer. They care more about expertise and a proven track record, not necessarily how close your office is. However, local SEO services in India are still crucial for businesses that cater to a local clientele. By optimizing your online presence for local searches, you can ensure your business shows up for relevant searches in your area.

On the other hand, Google also wants to guarantee that businesses advertising on LSAs can actually serve the areas they claim. This update seems to be a two-pronged approach: prioritizing user experience by ensuring a good match for their search intent, and ensuring businesses are transparent about their service areas.

So, what does this all mean for you, the local business owner looking to dominate the LSA game? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here’s the lowdown on the new ranking priorities for LSAs, along with some actionable tips to help you optimize your profile and climb those rankings.

The New LSA Ranking Champions:

Alright, so proximity might not be the top dog anymore, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t clear factors that can make your LSA profile shine. Here are the new champions that Google is looking for:

Relevance is King:

This might seem obvious, but it’s worth hammering home. Your business description and the services you offer need to be a perfect match for what users are searching for. When someone types in “emergency plumbing services,” Google wants to show them businesses that specialize in exactly that. Pay Per Click Management can help ensure your ads are reaching the right audience at the right time, further increasing the chance of relevant clicks and conversions.

Reviews are Your Golden Ticket:

Let’s face it, online reviews are the modern-day word-of-mouth. A stellar review profile with a high rating is pure gold for your LSA ranking. Encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback, and actively manage your online reputation by addressing any negative reviews promptly and professionally.

Responsiveness is Key:

Speed is your best friend in the world of LSAs. When a potential customer reaches out through your LSA profile, be a reply ninja! The faster you respond, the more likely you are to convert that lead into a paying customer. Google takes your responsiveness into account, so make sure you’re on top of those inquiries.

Business Hours Matter:

This one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised! Ensure your advertised business hours on your LSA profile accurately reflect your actual availability. Don’t leave potential customers hanging if they try to contact you outside your listed hours of operation. Consistency is key!

Service Area Accuracy is Essential:

Be crystal clear about the geographic area you serve. Don’t try to overextend yourself by advertising in areas you can’t realistically reach. Google wants transparency here, so define your service area accurately and stick to it.

Optimizing for the New LSA Landscape

Now that you know the new ranking priorities, let’s get down to brass tacks and talk actionable steps. Here’s what you can do to take advantage of this update and get your LSA profile shining bright:

Refine Your Business Description:

Think of your business description as your elevator pitch to potential customers. Make sure it’s clear, concise, and highlights the specific services you excel in. Use relevant keywords that people might be searching for, but avoid keyword stuffing — it just looks spammy.

Become a Review Magnet:

Positive reviews are like gold dust for your LSA profile. Encourage satisfied customers to leave feedback by politely requesting it after completing a job. You can even offer incentives like a discount on their next service for leaving a review. Remember, though, never pressure anyone for a review, and always be gracious, even for not-so-glowing feedback.

Respond Like a Speed Demon:

Set up notifications for LSA inquiries so you can reply as quickly as possible. Aim to respond within minutes, not hours. The faster you respond, the more likely you are to win over the customer and convert the lead.

Keep Your Hours Up-to-Date:

This might seem like a minor detail, but it can make a big difference. Double-check that your advertised hours on your LSA profile reflect your actual availability. Are you offering extended weekend hours this summer? Update your profile! Consistency is key — don’t let potential customers get frustrated if they try to reach you outside your listed hours.

Embrace the Service Area Tool:

Google has a fantastic tool within the LSA platform that allows you to define your service area with precision. Don’t just guess — utilize this tool to create a map that clearly outlines the areas you can realistically serve. Remember, transparency is key! Google wants to ensure users are matched with businesses that can actually reach them.

Go the Extra Mile with Photos and Videos:

High-quality visuals can significantly boost your LSA profile. Showcase your expertise with clear photos of your work and your team. Consider adding short videos that highlight your services or customer testimonials. Remember, people connect with visuals, so use them to your advantage!

Stay Active with Google My Business:

Your Google My Business (GMB) profile is intricately linked to your LSAs. Make sure your GMB profile is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. Regularly post updates about your services, special offers, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses of your business. An active GMB profile shows Google you’re engaged and committed to providing a great customer experience.

While the ranking factors for LSAs might have shifted slightly, the core principle remains the same: providing exceptional customer service is the ultimate key to success. Focus on building strong relationships with your customers, exceeding expectations at every turn, and watch your reputation — and your ranking.

By following these tips and staying on top of the latest LSA trends, you can ensure your local business continues to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising. Don’t be afraid to experiment, track your results, and fine-tune your LSA profile for maximum impact. Remember, even though proximity might not be the top dog anymore, there’s still plenty you can do to dominate the local search game and attract new customers to your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for LSAs today and start reaching out to potential customers in your service area! Remember, in the world of local advertising, it’s all about providing the best possible experience for your customers. Make that your top priority, and watch your business flourish.

Embrace Local Community Engagement

While not a direct ranking factor for LSAs, local community engagement can significantly boost your overall online presence and reputation. Here are a few ways to get involved:

Partner with local charities or organizations:

Team up with a local cause that aligns with your values and offers your services or expertise. This not only gives back to the community but also showcases your commitment to the area you serve.

Sponsor local events:

There’s likely a plethora of events happening in your community — festivals, sports tournaments, charity runs. Consider sponsoring an event that aligns with your target audience. This is a fantastic way to get your brand name out there and connect with potential customers on a personal level.

Get active on social media:

Social media platforms can be a goldmine for local businesses. Create engaging content that highlights your services, your team, and your involvement in the community. Run targeted social media ads to reach a wider local audience. Don’t forget to respond to comments and messages promptly — fostering interaction is key!

Network with other local businesses:

Collaboration is key! Partner with complementary businesses in your area for cross-promotion opportunities. You can offer bundled services, co-host events, or simply refer customers to each other. Building strong relationships within your local business community can be mutually beneficial.

By actively engaging with your local community, you’ll not only be making a positive impact, but you’ll also be building brand awareness and trust. This, in turn, can lead to more website traffic, more positive online reviews, and ultimately, more customers through your LSA efforts.


The recent LSA update might seem like a shake-up, but it’s important to remember that the core principles of local advertising remain constant. Focus on providing exceptional customer service, ensure your online presence is accurate and engaging, and actively connect with your local community. By embracing these strategies, you can ensure your local business continues to thrive in the digital age, regardless of where you sit on the proximity ranking scale.

So, keep calm, optimize your LSA profile, and get ready to connect with more potential customers in your service area.



SEO Villas Private Limited

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