Germany Abroad Studies: Best 5 Things Student Must Know

Keyur Kapadiya
4 min readJan 8, 2024


Germany Abroad Studies — Germany consistently ranks among the top destinations for international students, offering a strategic pathway to the global job market. Its prestigious universities and widely recognized degrees hold significant weight with employers worldwide.

Get German Education at an Affordable Price: A Cost Breakdown

Germany, renowned for its beer, bratwurst, and breathtaking landscapes, also boasts a world-class education system that’s surprisingly budget-friendly. Forget hefty tuition fees! Studying in Germany, especially at public universities, is practically free.

Here’s The Breakdown: [Germany Abroad Studies]

Tuition Fees:

In most German states, public universities don’t charge tuition fees for undergraduate and postgraduate programs, even for international students. That’s right, free education!

Semester Contribution:

The only mandatory cost is a semester contribution, usually ranging from €100 to €350. This covers administrative costs and student services, like health insurance and student unions. Think of it as a student activity fee on steroids.

Semester Ticket:

This little gem is a bonus! The semester contribution often includes a semester ticket, granting you unlimited travel on public transportation within the state or even nationwide, depending on the university. Imagine exploring charming German towns and vibrant cities for free — talk about a sweet deal!

Exceptions to The “Free” Rule:

Private Universities:

While rare, some private universities in Germany do charge tuition fees, typically ranging from €3,000 to €20,000 per semester.


The state of Baden-Württemberg introduced tuition fees for non-EU students in 2017, ranging from €1,500 to €3,000 per semester.


Rent can vary depending on the city and type of accommodation, but expect to spend between €200 and €400 per month for a shared room or studio.


Groceries are generally affordable in Germany. Budget around €200-€250 per month for groceries.

Other Expenses:

Factor in additional costs like phone bills, internet, and entertainment for a more accurate picture. Overall, studying in Germany offers an incredible value proposition: high-quality education at a fraction of the cost compared to many other countries.

Plus, with the semester ticket, you can explore Germany’s rich cultural tapestry without breaking the bank. So, ditch the debt anxieties and embrace the exciting prospect of studying in Germany!

Remember: Costs and fees may change, so always do your research and check with your chosen university for the latest information.

Learning and Earning: The German Advantage

One of the most appealing aspects of studying in Germany is the seamless integration of academic pursuits with practical work experience. Unlike traditional systems where theory and practice are often siloed, German universities, particularly in applied sciences, embrace a “learning by doing” approach. [Germany Abroad Studies]

Imagine a classroom where lectures seamlessly transition into hands-on workshops in state-of-the-art labs. This is the reality in many German universities, where students get to test their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.

Beyond classroom integration, Germany also boasts a robust system of dual-enrollment programs. These programs, known as “Duale Studiengänge,” allow students to alternate semesters between studying at a university and gaining practical experience at a partner company.

This unique blend of academic rigor and professional training equips students with highly sought-after skills and valuable industry connections.

Residence Permit

  • 1 — After graduation, international students in Germany have the exciting opportunity to extend their stay with a “Graduate Stay Permit.” This permit allows them to seek employment in Germany for up to 18 months, opening doors to diverse career options across various sectors.
  • 2 — Graduation doesn’t mean goodbye to Germany! International students can choose to apply for a “Job Seekers’ Visa” (Graduate Stay Permit), granting them 18 months to find their dream job within the country’s thriving job market. [Germany Abroad Studies]
  • 3 — Your German diploma unlocks more than just knowledge; it unlocks opportunities. With a Graduate Stay Permit, you can embark on a job search journey in Germany for up to 18 months, exploring a multitude of career paths across the nation.

Education System in Germany

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach! Germany’s higher education landscape embraces decentralization and variety. Each of the 16 states takes independent responsibility for crafting its own rules and regulations for universities.

This decentralized system empowers individual institutions, granting them a significant degree of autonomy. With over 400 state-recognized institutions offering more than 20,000 unique study programs, the sheer possibilities can be overwhelming.

Navigating this diverse academic ocean to find the perfect program boils down to personal aspirations and preferences.

Study Programs in Germany

Choosing to study in Germany opens doors to a world-class education system renowned for its rigor, research focus, and diverse range of programs. But navigating the multitude of options can be daunting.

This guide sheds light on the different types of study programs and certifications you’ll encounter in your quest for the perfect academic fit. [Germany Abroad Studies]

Degrees for Every Aspiration:

Bachelor’s Degrees:

Typically lasting 3–4 years, Bachelor’s programs provide a fundamental grounding in your chosen field, preparing you for professional careers or further postgraduate studies. (Think of it as laying the foundation for your academic house!)

Master’s Degrees:

Building upon your Bachelor’s knowledge, Master’s programs delve deeper into specialized areas, often lasting 1–2 years. They equip you with advanced skills and expertise to excel in your chosen field. (Imagine adding a sturdy roof and intricate details to your academic house!)


For those seeking the pinnacle of academic achievement, Doctorate programs offer in-depth research opportunities, culminating in the coveted title of “Dr.” This path typically takes 3–5 years of dedicated research and independent study. (Imagine constructing a towering academic skyscraper!) [Germany Abroad Studies]

Originally published at on January 8, 2024.

