How UX design helps businesses?

TL;DR: We discussed 5 key areas in which UX design can create business values. As usual, there is a summary at the end! Don’t forget to check it out.

Sepideh Yazdi
6 min readJan 7, 2023
How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? — By Sepideh Yazdi— Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

Have you ever used a product or service that was frustrating or confusing to use? I bet you have! Chances are, you didn’t enjoy the experience and may not have wanted to use the product or service again. This is where user experience (UX) design comes in. UX design is the process of improving the usability and enjoyment of a product or service. It involves making products and services easy to use.

As the digital world becomes increasingly interconnected, the UX of a product, system, or service has become more important than ever for businesses. In this article, we will be looking at 5 key areas in which UX design can create business values.

1. Makes customers happy

AKA: Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty

1. Makes Customers happy AKA: Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty — A happy customer working with a laptop — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? 1. Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty —By Sepideh Yazdi — Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

When a product is easy to use, and people enjoy using it, they are more likely to be satisfied with it and want to keep using it. This can help businesses keep their customers happy and coming back for more.

For example, let’s say a company has a mobile app that allows users to order food from local restaurants. Before implementing UX design principles, the app was difficult to navigate and many users were frustrated with the process of placing an order. As a result, customer satisfaction was low and the app had a high churn rate (meaning that many users stopped using the app after trying it once).

After implementing UX design improvements, the company can make the app much easier to use. The navigation is simplified, the ordering process is more intuitive, and the overall user experience is greatly improved. As a result, customer satisfaction increases, and the churn rate decreases. More customers are happy with the app and continue to use it, leading to increased sales for the company. By making customers happy through improved UX design, the company can boost its revenue and grow its business.

2. Makes products stand out

AKA: Gives a competitive advantage

2. Makes products stand out AKA: Gives a competitive advantage — A happy customer working with a laptop — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? 2. Gives a competitive advantage — By Sepideh Yazdi — Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

In a crowded market, a product with a great user experience can stand out from the competition and attract more users. Customers tend to prefer products that are easy to use and enjoyable over those that are difficult or frustrating to use. This can give a business a competitive edge and help its products stand out in the market.

Here is an example of how Trello’s strong UX design has helped the company’s product stand out in a crowded market.

Trello is a project management tool that allows users to create and track tasks and projects using a flexible and visual interface. Trello’s user-friendly interface includes features such as boards, lists, and cards that allow users to organize tasks and collaborate with team members.

Overview of a Trello board — How  Trello made it product standout by making it UX better — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics — Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
Image from Trello website

In the project management market, many tools offer similar features to Trello. However, Trello stands out because of its intuitive and visually appealing interface, which makes it easy for users to understand and use. Many users appreciate the flexibility and customization options that Trello offers, and they find it to be a more enjoyable and efficient tool compared to other options.

Screenshot of a Trello customer testimonials about it’s UX — How Trello made it product standout by making it UX better — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics — Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
Trello’s good user experience helped it standout — Screenshot from Trello website

As a result of its strong UX design, Trello has gained a loyal user base and has become a top seller in its category. Many businesses and individuals have chosen Trello as their project management tool of choice, and the company has seen steady growth in its user base and revenue.

3. Saves time and money

AKA: Reduces support and development costs

A wallet 3. Saves time and money AKA: Reduces support and development costs — A happy customer working with a laptop — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? 3. Reduces support and development costs — By Sepideh Yazdi — Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

When a product offers a good user experience, it can save time and resources for both users and the business. If a product is confusing to use, users may need to ask for help or spend more time trying to figure it out. This can cost the business money in terms of customer support and lost productivity.

According to studies and statistics, investing in UX can lead to a significant return on investment (ROI) for businesses. The exact ROI can vary, but it is generally accepted that companies can expect to see a return of $10 to $100 for every dollar they invest in UX. This demonstrates the value and importance of investing in UX design and the potential benefits it can bring to a business.

4. Increases sales

AKA: Improves conversion rates

Sales going up in a monitor and a shopping cart is near that 4. Increases sales AKA: Improves conversion rates — A happy customer working with a laptop — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? 4. Improves conversion rates — By Sepideh Yazdi — Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

When people enjoy using a product, they are more likely to complete tasks and goals, such as purchasing. This can help businesses make more money.

Airbnb is a well-known online platform that allows users to book and list vacation rentals. One of the key factors in Airbnb’s success is its user-friendly website and mobile app, which make it easy for users to search, book, and list properties.

How Airbnb sale increased by it’s good UX— How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics — Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
Airbnb's gradual improvements to its UX design increased its sales

Over the years, Airbnb has made gradual improvements to its UX design. While there may be other factors that have contributed to the increase in bookings, it is likely that the UX enhancements have played a role. By making its website and app more user-friendly and visually appealing, Airbnb was able to improve customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of users completing bookings. In fact, after implementing UX design improvements, Airbnb saw a 25% increase in bookings. This booking increase contributed to the company’s overall success and growth.

5. Makes the company look good

AKA: Enhances brand reputation

Company members that are receiving good comments and likes — 5. Makes the company look good AKA: Enhances brand reputation — A happy customer working with a laptop — How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
How UX design helps businesses? 5. Enhances brand reputation — By Sepideh Yazdi — Illustration adapted from upklyak on Freepik

A well-designed product with a satisfying user experience reflects positively on the company’s brand and reputation. It can help establish the company as a leader in its industry and attract more customers and business partners.

Apple is a well-known technology company that sells a wide range of products, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. One of the key factors in Apple’s success is its focus on user experience and design. Apple’s products are known for their sleek and intuitive interfaces, which make them easy and enjoyable to use.

How Apple enhanced it’s brand reputation by its good UX - How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics — Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
Strong UX design has played a significant role in Apple’s success by enhancing the company’s brand reputation

Many customers associate Apple’s brand with high-quality and user-friendly products, which has helped the company maintain a strong reputation and competitive advantage.


  1. Improves customer satisfaction and loyalty — Makes customers happy
  2. Gives a competitive advantage — Makes products stand out
  3. Reduces support and development costs — Saves time and money
  4. Improves conversion rates — Increases sales
  5. Enhances brand reputation — Makes the company look good
Summary of How UX design helps businesses — business value of ux design — business value of ux design — what is the value of ux statistics -Sepideh Yazdi — @sepidy — — UX — UI — UX Design — UX designer — UI designer
Summary of How UX design helps businesses? — By Sepideh Yazdi

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Sepideh Yazdi

When I design I forget how time passes by | Building FigChallenge | Community of 1k+ designers from 95 countries | Wrting my experience + How-tos + Cheat sheets