TRADESATOSHI - How Effective this Unlock Account Feature??

Septh Jayrus Lim
4 min readNov 16, 2019


Unlock Account HERE
Does it really work?

As one of the user in Tradesatoshi platform, I had also experience this problem before.

  • Why is it my account got locked?
  • How does my account got locked?
  • What did I do that my account got locked?

Basic questions that came out through my mind, and the usual procedure we do is to create a support request at for the unlocking of our account by the unlocking team and sometimes it takes much time for us users who are in urgent and having transaction in our accounts.

It’s always been a big question for me “ Does this Unlock Account feature really work?”.

So I come up with the decision to try this new feature of Tradesatoshi if it really works.

“Note that three (3) consecutive wrong password will lock your account.” That’s what MOD’s always remind us.

Found this helpful reference:

So I’ve input wrong details (3)times to locked my account so that I could check this unlock account if its effective.

I follow then this articles and guides for the unlocking account;

With this guides, it is now so easy, hassle free and will not take much of our time for us to unlock our account. Also, I prove that this new feature of TRADESATOSHI really works and so convenient to use.

But one thing also that really bothers me as a user, to be specific as a beginner in this Tradesatoshi platform.

“What if when I created my account, and I wasn’t able to set my exact birth of date. Will this unlock account feature will still work??”

Let see how this feature will respond;

For those users who haven’t set their date of birth when they created an account on Tradesatoshi, they won’t need to provide that anymore when they want to unlock their account using the UNLOCK ACCOUNT Feature.

The picture below shows that user who haven’t set up their date of birth won’t need to provide anymore unless they have already set their date of birth in the their profile.

Unlocking account profile with out date of birth when created
Unlocking account profile with date of birth when created

“What if I forgot if my details in my registered account was in capital or not, will this unlock account feature will consider??”

Yes, for those who’ve been thinking that in their mind it will be considered as long as the provided details are exactly match on the registered account.

The image below shows that even all the details of the user is in uppercase the unlocking account process will still consider the data as long as the provided details are matched on the registered account of the user.

Unlocking account profile w/o date of birth on uppercase details
Unlocking account profile with date of birth on uppercase details

I made this article for us users to be aware and not just to prove the effectiveness of this UNLOCK ACCOUNT feature of TRADESATOSHI but also to see how this feature will react the way the user wants/needs for their convenience.

