Instagram Notification UX failure

Ahmed Abdelmageed
3 min readMay 24, 2017

A week ago, I was noticing a red bubble with number above Instagram icon on my iPhone, And when I opened the app I couldn’t find any Notification at the Notification tab or at the DM, and After closing the app the red dot was still there.
That was annoying, to have this red dot on Instagram Icon all the time. 😡

My Timeline on Instagram was without any notification bubbles even on the notification tab or the DM

After 1 week I went to my profile to check some photos that I have posted, But finally! I found a red dot on the left corner of the screen at “the people that I may know” Icon. 🤔

HaloloJaaaa I found the dot

And when I clicked on it, i found people that I don’t care follow, but the clue has solved and Finally the red dot on Instagram disappear. and HAAH! I felt comfortable after it 🤗

Because small thing Matters in the user life, so I decided to figure out how to solve this problem and make my users always feel comfortable.

How to solve this problem from UX perspective



Ahmed Abdelmageed

Product designer at ebay classifieds group Sketch/Figma plugin maker