Unemployment in Somalia: Challenges, Desperation, and the Path Forward

Dr. Ahmed Hersi
3 min readJun 9, 2024


1. Introduction and the Impact of Unemployment
Unemployment is difficult and has detrimental effects on the mental and physical health of individuals. It leads to a lack of resources and weakens social bonds, reducing the quality of life. It is challenging to explain how young people from very low-income countries suffer from unemployment, resulting in a lack of hope and despair. In Somalia, the situation is particularly severe, with evidence showing that the unemployment rate is 69%, a significant public concern.

2. Factors Contributing to High Unemployment Rates in Somalia
Most Somali youth do not attend formal education, and among those who do, 69% still end up unemployed. The country’s lack of effective government exacerbates the situation. Additionally, corruption, insufficient resources, an underdeveloped private sector, a lack of industries, ineffective ministries, and weak educational institutions that fail to equip students with marketable skills all contribute to unemployment in Somalia. Reduced awareness, the absence of guidance for young people, and a lack of investment are also significant factors. Furthermore, insecurity, driven by groups like Al-Shabaab, clan conflicts, and robberies, further aggravates the problem. This insecurity is perhaps the greatest source of all issues, as the Somali people are active and entrepreneurial, ready to create opportunities if they find safety and security. Consequently, graduates from weak universities face the most challenges.

Addressing Unemployment: The Role of the Private Sector and the Challenges Faced

The private sector has limited job opportunities due to its lack of expansion and enhancement. One reason for this stagnation is the absence of innovative ideas to improve their businesses, leading to a heavy reliance on imports and minimal domestic production. Additionally, the private sector's reluctance to invest in youth and expand is often due to a lack of trust.

To address unemployment, the private sector can offer internships that bridge the gap between academic learning and market needs. These internships can help young people gain relevant experience and skills. Furthermore, by fostering creativity and encouraging young individuals to contribute to business growth and support their startups, the private sector can significantly reduce unemployment.

This photo is Dr. Mahad young medical docter fled from Mogadishu.

3. Case Study: Dr. Mahad Garaad Hassan and the Desperation of Somali Youth
Dr. Mahad Garaad Hassan, a young man who graduated from one of the universities in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia, serves as a poignant example. He volunteered for the last four years, as his friends mentioned. When his expectations were not met, he lost hope. Eventually, he decided to leave his family and take a dangerous journey to Libya, ending up in the hands of Magafe, a Libyan warlord who extorts money from African immigrants. Due to his family’s poverty, he could not pay the required amount and was tortured, resulting in a broken arm, as he recounted in a short video. This deepens the despair faced by graduates and other young people. As a result, every young person in Somalia dreams of fleeing the country, often taking dangerous routes to reach developed countries where more opportunities exist. This situation indicates that Somali elites, academicians, politicians, and activists are neglecting their responsibilities and pursuing their own needs, leaving young people’s lives at great risk.

4. Proposed Solutions to the Unemployment Crisis
A strong government, dedicated educational institutions, wealthy individuals investing in the country, and the development of companies and industries to boost production are solutions I suggest. Therefore, young people should invest in themselves by gaining skills and starting businesses. Ultimately, hard work is the only way to escape this harsh reality.



Dr. Ahmed Hersi

Passionate medical doctor and research enthusiast, dedicated to advancing mental health and raising social awareness.