Why Kenya’s opposition might lose 2017 despite their brilliant anti corruption campaign.

3 min readDec 22, 2016


Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga.

Everyone knows how passionate Raila Odinga is about Kenya. Most Kenyans, even his haters, would agree and appreciate him for the hard work and time he has invested in making sure Kenya is headed in the right direction.

Odm’s national anti corruption message has most likely saved Kenya from bankruptcy, a noble fight which we should be thankful for. Despite all this, I am in the option that the opposition might just lose the 2017 election unless they change strategies.

While we know rigging is probably inevitable, the opposition has a shot at winning if they capitalized on Uhuru’s economic failures and I do not mean the corruption message at this point. Everyone knows Jubilee is corrupt. What the opposition needs to do is offer a message of action on how to fix the economic mess Uhuru and his corrupt team has put the country through. In Kenya, money is king. The idea here is to present a plan that would limit corruption and put money in the pockets of Kenyans.

When Raila proposed payment for services within 30 days, Kenyans from both Cord and Jubilee celebrated him. It was an empowering proposal which resonated with everyone who has been a victim of delayed government payments but, this brilliant suggestion didn’t receive a follow up so Kenyans brushed it off as another one of those promises that might never materialize, a big problem for the opposition’s strategy. If Kenyans from both sides like an idea, the opposition should run with it and force implementation.

The above example is a sign that Kenyans are open to economic empowerment. Kenyans want a shot at a successful life and will partner with any leader who is ready to offer solutions that would lead the country to this road of success. In addition to swift government payments, Kenyans want to know how the opposition would solve issues like high taxes and help ease the cost of living. What will happen to the corrupt members of the Jubilee coalition if the opposition wins in 2017? How would the funds be recovered? How will the opposition help ease the problem of unemployment? How about our failing banking industry? Will corrupt Governors from both Jubilee and Cord be held accountable? The opposition is yet to unveil a revolutionary message addressing these issues.

Voters need an awakening with the right message of hope and they will begin to see Uhuru as the failure he really is. An effective combat strategy is currently lacking and if the opposition has a secret plan somewhere, it needs to be unsealed and preached until August 2017. The more voters hear the message of corrective action, the more hopeful they will become and condition their minds to the idea of change and progress.

Raila and his opposition team should also focus on trying to win Uhuru’s strong hold. There might be reservation due to the fear of rejection but this should not be a hindrance. A message is successful even if one person shows up to listen. One vote is just as important as 6 million. Like the rest of the country, Uhuru’s 2013 voters are not exempt from economic hardship brought about by corruption in the Jubilee government. Most Kenyans are ready for economic change.

The opposition also needs to recruit an online social media army that will fight while promoting its agenda. Social media was a contributing factor to both Outgoing President Obama and President Elect Trump wins. They both had a strong online presence countering any negative messages while promoting their plans. One can not win elections in this day in age without social media dominance. Even President Elect Nana Akuffo-Ado of Ghana tweeted “ I thank my social media team and all those who volunteered to work on my social media campaign. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.” The opposition needs to dominate twitter, Facebook trends by selling their postive agenda.

In conclusion, I believe the opposition is still on shaky ground but they have time to resolve their issues in time for August 2017. There needs to be a unity of mind and purpose which is to save Kenya from the evil that is Jubilee. Members of the opposition should set aside their egos, pick an electable candidate and begin the road to saving the country.

