Build a weather station with Google Cloud IoT, Cloud Firestore, Mongoose OS & Android Jetpack

Sergio Belda
7 min readJul 6, 2019

In this article I will explain how to build an IoT weather station using some interesting technologies such as Google Cloud IoT Core, Cloud Firestore, Android Jetpack & Mongoose OS.


The first step is to know what components will be used in our weather station. The main objective is to monitor the temperature and humidity. So, we need the DHT22 sensor to collect the data and we will use the NodeMCU ESP8266 development board to send the data to the Cloud. The DHT22 is a sensor with an accuracy of +-2% for humidity and <+-0.5º for temperature.


  • 1x DHT22 sensor
  • 1x NodeMCU ESP8266
  • 1x Protoboard



As I said previously, the DHT22 sensor will collect the data in real time and then it will send this information to Google Cloud Platform. The communication between our NodeMCU board and Google Cloud will use the MQTT protocol. Once the data is on Google Cloud IoT Core…

