Finding Your Guiding Star— Part3

Serdar Mumcu
3 min readAug 20, 2023


Hello again, seekers of wisdom and growth! Here we are, at the final stage of our journey through “The Courage To Be Disliked.” I’m excited as we piece together the puzzle of insights and understanding we’ve gained along the way. Our exploration has been about self-discovery, and now, in this last part, we’re solving the secrets of relationships, finding strength in our imperfections, and embracing the art of contribution. So, let’s take these final steps together as we uncover the heart of the matter and set our sights on a more fulfilled life.

Balancing Interpersonal Relationships:
Building healthy interpersonal relationships requires a balance. Too much closeness makes open communication difficult, while excessive distance can be equally harmful. Rather than viewing personal boundaries as a way to keep people at arm’s length, we can use them as tools to solve the complexity of relationships.

Seeking External Validation:
Consider the desire for approval. How much attention do others pay to us? What do they think of us? Seeking validation obsessively can lead to self-centeredness, where we become consumed with ourselves while disregarding others’ feelings. The key to genuine connections lies in caring for others and fostering a sense of community.

The Paradox of Expectations:
It’s crucial to recognize that others do not exist solely to meet our expectations. When these expectations go unfulfilled, it can lead to disappointment and feelings of betrayal. Believing that the world revolves around us causes us to lose companionship quickly. Understanding that we are not the center of the universe enables us to contribute meaningfully to our communities.

Embrace Your Imperfections:
Rather than trying to affirm ourselves relentlessly, true self-acceptance involves embracing our imperfections and limitations. Adlerian psychology encourages us to focus on what we can change and accept what is beyond our control. Acceptance of ourselves and our circumstances allows us to move forward and strive to achieve our best potential.

Trusting Others and Making Contributions:
Doubting others can be a source of anxiety and insecurity in relationships. Instead, Adler encourages us to trust, thereby strengthening our connections with others and increasing our joy in life. Contributing to others’ well-being is not about getting rid of our ego, but understanding our value and finding fulfillment in making a positive impact.

The Dynamic Dance of Life:
Life is like a dance — every moment is a step in the beautiful choreography of existence. Adlerian psychology advocates for living in the present, focusing on the current moment, and experiencing life without taking it too seriously. Being present liberates us from the burden of past regrets and future worries.

In our pursuit of freedom, we may lose our way. Adler suggests finding our guiding star — the compass that points us towards the direction of a meaningful life. This star is “Contributing to others,” and as long as we hold onto it, we can navigate the challenges of life, unaffected by the opinions of others.

As we conclude our exploration of “The Courage To Be Disliked” we come to realize that our life’s meaning lies within us. The journey of self-acceptance, trusting others, and making contributions to our community leads us to true freedom and fulfillment. Embrace the dance of life, focusing on the present moment, and let your guiding star guide you on the path to a meaningful and fulfilled life. Remember, the power to change the world begins with embracing your own transformation. So, be the one to start, regardless of whether others join you on this journey of growth.



Serdar Mumcu

A curious individual and continuous learner of computer science and music (electric guitars)