The Color Purple

5 min readNov 6, 2022


To Ban or Not to Ban.

Walker’s life and times

Alice Walker was born in Georgia in 1944, and she was the youngest of having 8 siblings. Alice continued her schooling career at Spelman college after she graduated high school in the same state she grew up in Georgia after she got an awarded offer of a scholarship. After some time walker relocated to another college in New York, when she finished that degree, she moved on to another place of education after when she first started her career in writing. After some time she graduated with her teaching and as a social worker.

As time continued Walker published lots of pieces from poets, novels, and books and continued to learn to be a better author. Walker’s book “The Color Purple” came out in 1982 which was also to be the third novel she published. “The Color Purple is an epistolary novel — a novel told in letter form — in which Alice Walker traces the gradual liberation of Celie, a poor, Black woman who must overcome abuse and separation from her beloved sister Nettie.”(Joyce 2019)

Behind the Banning

The Color Purple was removed in South Carolina in 2001 after the school board thought this book to be “filthy”, “vulgar”, and “immoral”. There were many different reasons for the book being banned These reasons included “religious objections, homosexuality, violence, African history, rape, incest, drug abuse, explicit language, and sexual scenes.”(Joyce, 2019)

A major issue in this book was the verbal, physical, and sexual abuse the girl had received from multiple different men, she ended up feeling she was having little to no self-worth left in her and no voice of freedom to speak out.

These are very serious topics at any given time but also could show into effect that this book can show an important lesson for young women, not to look at their surroundings but to be careful of men and those that show any other way of safety towards an individual. A lesson from these sad scenarios happen gives girls the awareness needed to speak out and show they need help and care.

Your Opinion

I personally feel that the book “The color purple” should not be banned. This book should still be allowed in mature settings like in high schools and colleges. The color purple can be used for teaching lectures and can be used for teaching young women about the actions to look out for. Not only can this book be used for lectures, but the book is how Alice Walker spoke out on what happened to her, along with also a form of awareness for women.

Even though some feel the topics of rape, incest and multiple forms of assault towards women should not be taught to their children, I believe that gaining the knowledge at the rightful age can help women and give them the knowledge to help other women, even at a younger age of maybe sixteen or seventeen because you never know what someone is going through. “objectionable content found in the book is accessible through the internet and social media, one person’s complaint should not determine another’s choice”(Joyce 2019)

Having this kind of knowledge could one day help those to speak out, or maybe even save someone you know or someone in need, whether this happens to them or maybe they just need a shoulder to lean on. “The color purple” should not be on the banned list and continue to give students knowledge.


In conclusion, I believe the book “The color purple” is a very insightful and educational literature that should be allowed. This book does contain sensitive subjects however, because it is sensitive it does not mean everyone would take this book as an offense. Not only does it spread awareness, but many men and women seek help for the same situation that Alice Walker has been through and now they can feel a sense of connection and relate to the same situations.

By banning the book, I feel that it is explaining to the reader that situations like these are not as common as they are and should be taken lightly. It expresses many things such as strength, transformation, and power. Banning of books is silencing authors voices with this book for example “The Color Purple” which she got cancelled for voicing what happened to her, it can put other authors what want to write their own experiences, feeling intimidated and pressured to not share their story.

Works Cited

Joyce, Isabel. “Alice Walker, ‘The Color Purple.’” The Banned Books Project, 11 Sept. 2019,,challenges%20were%20all%20eventually%20overruled.

Walker, Alice. “The Color Purple.” Sparknotes, SparkNotes,

O’Connell, Alexandra. “The Color Purple and the Toppling of American Gods.” PEN America, 24 Sept. 2017,

Joyce, Isabel. “Alice Walker, ‘The Color Purple.’” The Banned Books Project, 11 Sept. 2019,

