The Truth About Being Sober for 20 Years

What happens in recovery?

Seren Gael
10 min readFeb 4, 2021


Image Courtesy of the author, created on Canva

I meet you on a healthy high, today. I just ‘came out’ to my three wonderful children as an alcoholic. I recently celebrated my 20th sobriety ‘birthday’, but it wasn’t much fun because it was a secret. All this time, I’ve hidden my secret out of shame. Twenty years on, I want you to celebrate my achievement with me. I want everyone to know recovery is possible for those who seek it.

My drinking timeline

At 16, I began drinking at home, alone. When my parents were out or asleep, I snuck their wine and port from the fridge and indulged myself. No one ever caught me. At the same age, I went to a family funeral on my mum’s side. It was common to allow teens to drink, so when an aunt offered me a glass of wine in front of my mother, I accepted.

After my mum’s initial shock, she allowed it. From then on, I was allowed to occasionally have a drink with dinner. Soon, I was drinking a glass or two of wine with dinner most nights. On my 17th birthday, one of my gifts was a fancy bottle of wine. I felt so grown up. I should tell you my parents aren’t alcoholics. They both had alcoholic fathers, though.

In this generation, allowing your teenagers to drink was the norm. Parents believed it was responsible to teach moderation in…



Seren Gael

I’m an Aussie mother, carer, dog-lover and feminist. I write about feminism, humor, opinion pieces, and whatever else I feel like.