What is crypto worth?

Serg Gulko
2 min readApr 26, 2018


Yesterday I performed my second live interview(starts at 10:00) for Voice of America. Taking into account the fact that it was in Russian, I want to share a transcript(approximate) and some extra thoughts behind the scenes.

I personally believe that cryptocurrencies will grow in both price and quality. Of course, we will see some turbulence caused by the rise and fall of certain blockchain technology stacks, as well as government intrusions and regulations — this is actually quite positive because it will encourage regulatory framework stability and therefore institutional participation.

But in general, blockchain is here to stay. The technology was created with decentralization in mind, and with proper use, it truly can change certain aspects of our life.

It’s interesting to see, how many people are trying to analyze crypto markets separately from projects, running on the blockchains. Why? Are you still looking for underlying ways to value crypto assets? Here it is — the usefulness of projects and services on the blockchain. This is a new type of the economy — service-based, powered by tokens/smart contracts/you name it.

A successful project that provides services people really need will create token circulation which in turn will positively affect the value of the underlying cryptocurrency (e.g. Ethereum use case for ERC20 token generation and smart contracts).

More services mean healthier and robust ecosystems that will grow organically with community participation and create value.

I do not believe that people will massively migrate to new technologies like today it was 1% and in 6 months 95% are using it. However, as more quality projects are introduced that are effective and not just inefficient blockchain replacements for existing working technologies, we will see greater adoption of blockchain and decentralized technologies.

