How to Catch a Cheater: 12 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Spouse

Serg Gardner
18 min readDec 26, 2023


Suspecting your spouse is cheating can turn your world upside down. One key fact: open and honest communication is the easiest way to uncover infidelity. This article gives you 12 practical strategies to catch a cheating spouse, equipping you with the tools needed for the truth.

Get ready for insights that could change everything.

Key Points 👇

  • Use spyware apps like Spynger to secretly check your partner’s phone activities, including messages and location.
  • Pay attention to your spouse’s behavior with their phone, such as being secretive or changing passwords often, which could be a sign of cheating.
  • Install keyloggers like mSpy on their device to record every keystroke they make for evidence of infidelity.
  • Review bank statements for unusual expenses that might reveal secret spending on another person.
  • Have an honest conversation with your partner about your suspicions and present any evidence you’ve gathered calmly.

Signs of a Cheating Spouse

Your partner might start acting secretive, hiding their phone or changing passwords frequently. This is a red flag. They could be deleting messages or calls, making sure there’s no trace of another person.

Notice if they’re suddenly spending more time away from home, claiming to work late or going to the gym more often than usual. These unexplained absences may indicate something is off.

Trust your instincts. If you feel like something isn’t right in your marriage, there’s probably a reason. Changes in behavior, like being less interested in spending time together or getting defensive when asked about their day, can signal trouble.

Your spouse might also dress differently or pay more attention to their appearance than before — possibly trying to impress someone else.

Our top pick for the best app to catch a cheater is Spynger 🔥. It has an intuitive dashboard to give you an overview of all its features. Without further ado, learn more about ways to bust a cheater below.

Ultimate Cheating Tracker App to Catch Them Red-Handed

A study by the Institute for Family Studies revealed a startling statistic: 20% of married men and 13% of married women in the United States have admitted to infidelity. This alarming number underscores the pervasiveness of infidelity in modern relationships, highlighting the often unhealthy dynamics that lead to such betrayals. While one partner may choose to pursue an extramarital affair, the other partner, often left in the dark, may be desperate to confirm the truth and make informed decisions about the future of their relationship.

Now that we see that your situation is not an isolated one, let’s look at the many effective ways to catch your partner cheating that modern people use.

1. How to Catch a Cheater: Use a Spynger Spyware App

Catching a cheater has moved into the digital age, and using a 🧐 Spynger spyware app can be your secret weapon. This powerful tool works quietly in the background of your partner’s phone.

It gives you access to text messages, call logs, and even social media activity. Imagine having the power to see everything that happens on their device without them knowing. The app updates you in real time, so if they receive a suspicious message or make a hidden call, you’ll know right away.

Installing Spynger is easy and quick. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to get it up and running. Once installed, it becomes invisible on your partner’s phone — they won’t have any idea that it’s there.

You can monitor their movements through GPS tracking which is especially useful if they’re being secretive about their whereabouts. Photos, videos, and even deleted texts become accessible to you.

Trust your instincts but back them up with evidence from Spynger. It provides concrete proof so when you decide to confront your cheating spouse, there’s no room for denial.

Spynger app offers these and other features:

  • blocking applications on the target device
  • determination of GPS location
  • tracking activities on social platforms
  • compatibility with Android and iOS
  • control panel
  • user notifications about forbidden actions

2. How to Catch a Cheater: Watch How They Behave with Their Phone

One way to do this is to pay attention to how your partner behaves with their phone. Here are some red flags to watch out for:

They are constantly checking their phone, even when they are with you. This is a sign that they are more interested in what is happening on their phone than in spending time with you.

They have their phone face down when you are not around. This is a common way to hide the screen from others.

They get secretive about their phone. If they won’t let you see their phone or if they get upset when you ask about it, this is a red flag.

They have a lot of new contacts or apps that you don’t recognize. This could be a sign that they are communicating with someone they are not supposed to be.

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to talk to your partner about your concerns. If they are not willing to be honest with you, it may be time to reconsider the relationship.

Here are some additional tips for catching a cheater:

  • Be observant. Pay attention to your partner’s behavior and see if you notice any changes.
  • Don’t accuse. Accusing your partner of cheating will only make them defensive. Instead, approach the conversation from a concerned and loving place.
  • Ask for their phone. If you have a strong suspicion that your partner is cheating, you may want to ask for their phone to see if there is any evidence of infidelity. However, be prepared for your partner to refuse.
  • Set boundaries. Tell your partner that you are not comfortable with them hiding their phone from you or communicating with someone they are not supposed to be.
  • Consider seeking professional help. If you are struggling to deal with the situation on your own, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor.

Trust your instincts — if these changes feel off, they might indicate a cheating spouse exploring outside interests.

3. How to Catch a Cheater: Track your spouse’s movements with GEOfinder

Tracking your spouse’s movements can offer clues if you suspect they’re cheating. GEOfinder is a tool that makes this possible without needing direct access to their phone. You simply enter the phone number, and the app sends a location request disguised as a message from an unknown number.

If your partner accepts, their location gets revealed to you in real-time. This method respects privacy while giving insights into their whereabouts, making it a smart choice for those trying to discreetly follow their partner.

Using GEOfinder could reveal unexpected patterns or visits to unfamiliar places that might warrant further investigation. It bridges the gap between doubting and knowing by providing tangible evidence of someone’s movements.

This technology empowers you to gather evidence about your cheating spouse efficiently, allowing you to make informed decisions about your relationship based on facts rather than suspicions.

4. How to Catch a Cheater: Use Touch ID

Using Touch ID to catch a cheating spouse can be a crafty move. It’s all about accessing their smartphone to uncover any secret activities they might be hiding. Many phones require a touch or fingerprint to unlock, making this method effective for sneaking a peek at your partner’s private messages, photos, or call logs.

You must act carefully and choose the right moment when they won’t notice their phone is missing.

To start, you need your spouse’s fingerprint. This might sound tricky, but it’s doable with some creativity — like when they’re sleeping or distracted. Once you’ve unlocked the phone using Touch ID, your mission begins.

Dive into messaging apps, email inboxes, and photo galleries. Look for hidden files or shady phone numbers that seem out of place. Remembering key details will help you confront your partner later if needed.

This technique lets you gather evidence without raising suspicion too early in the game. It allows discreet access to vital information that could confirm your suspicions about infidelity.

However, use this strategy wisely and consider the implications on trust within your relationship.

5. How to Catch a Cheater: Google Chrome Password Hack

Google Chrome can be a treasure trove of information if you suspect your partner is cheating. Most people save passwords and login details in their browsers without thinking twice.

This gives you a chance to discover hidden social media profiles or dating apps your partner might be using. Simply access the settings in Google Chrome, look for the ‘Passwords’ section, and voila — you have access to all saved login information.

This method requires access to your partner’s computer or phone without their consent, so tread carefully.

Exploring the Passwords section also reveals how often certain sites are visited, providing clues about online activity patterns that may raise suspicions. You’ll see not just social media accounts but possibly communication platforms used for keeping secrets away from prying eyes.

Knowledge is power — knowing how to navigate through these digital footprints could unveil truths about your relationship you’re ready to face.

6. How to Catch a Cheater: Keyloggers mSpy

Keyloggers like mSpy are powerful tools in the art of uncovering a cheating partner. They work by recording every keystroke on your spouse’s phone or computer. This means you can see everything they type, from messages and emails to passwords and search queries.

It’s a discreet way to get inside information without them knowing. You’ll learn not just whom they’re talking to but what they’re saying, giving you clear evidence if your partner is cheating.

mSpy — Best Keylogger for Android Phone You Should Try

Installing mSpy doesn’t require tech genius skills either. Follow simple steps, and soon, you’ll have access to detailed reports of your spouse’s digital activity. This method respects your need for concrete evidence before confronting your partner about their behavior.

With data collected by the keylogger, discussing concerns with your spouse becomes based on facts rather than suspicions alone.

7. How to Catch a Cheater: Check Messages and Messaging Apps

Checking messages and messaging apps on your partner’s phone can be a direct way to find out if they are cheating. Many cheaters use text messages, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or other apps to communicate with someone they shouldn’t be.

You might see texts that don’t seem right or notice them messaging at odd hours. Keep an eye out for deleted messages or unknown contacts too. These could be signs that your partner is trying to hide something.

To start, get access to their phone when they’re not around or ask them directly if you feel comfortable doing so. Look through the message history carefully but respect privacy boundaries as much as possible — you’re looking for clear evidence of infidelity, not invading every aspect of their personal space without cause.

Notice patterns: frequent texts from the same number late at night or during times when you know your spouse should be busy with work or family could raise red flags.

Understanding how different apps store messages is also key. Some apps automatically delete messages after a certain period, while others keep everything unless manually removed by the user.

If your partner uses cloud backups for their device, this could also be a place where hidden conversations are stored away from the usual message logs on their phone.

Exploring these digital trails requires tact and caution — it’s about finding the truth without causing unnecessary harm in your relationship until you have all the facts.

8. How to Catch a Cheater: View Hidden Audio or Photo Files

Cheaters often hide evidence of their actions in the digital world. They might save audio or photo files that they don’t want you to see. To catch them, learn how to access hidden folders on their devices.

Both Android and iOS phones have ways to conceal files, but with a little know-how, you can uncover these secrets. Start by exploring the settings and storage options on your partner’s phone.

Look for any unusual or hidden folders.

Another effective method involves connecting their phone to a computer. This can reveal all files, including those not visible on the phone itself. Use file management software to sift through the data.

Search for anything out of the ordinary — photos saved in strange places or audio files that seem hidden away. Pay attention to timestamps too; they can tell when these files were created or modified, which might give you more clues about what’s been going on behind your back.

9. How to Catch a Cheater: Trash Folder

Digging through the trash folder on your partner’s phone or computer can reveal secrets they thought were gone forever. Deleted messages, photos, and files often end up here before they’re gone for good.

It’s like a hidden treasure chest of truth. If you suspect your spouse might be cheating, this spot is worth checking out. Just remember, once something is deleted, it’s not always meant to stay that way.

Exploring the trash folder requires some stealth and timing. You need access to their device when they’re not around. Be quick and discreet — look for any recently deleted items that raise red flags.

Photos with unknown people, messages hinting at secrecy or affection with someone else — these are clues you can’t ignore. This method puts evidence right in your hands without needing fancy spyware or gadgets.

10. How to Catch a Cheater: Look at the movement on the bank cards

Check the bank statements carefully. Unusual expenses can often tell you a lot about what’s happening. Look for hotel bills, fancy dinners, or gifts that you didn’t receive. These could be signs your partner is spending money on someone else.

Paying attention to how much and where your partner spends can reveal secret outings or purchases meant to impress another person.

Tracking bank card activity might also show patterns or routines that are out of the ordinary. Maybe there’s a recurrent charge at a place your spouse never mentioned visiting. Or perhaps there’s an increase in withdrawals suggesting cash payments for things they don’t want to appear on statements.

Understanding these movements can give valuable clues without needing direct confrontation or accusations.

Monitoring financial transactions offers insight into behaviors that might not be visible otherwise. It’s like piecing together a puzzle — each expense adds up to form a clearer picture of what might be going on behind your back.

11. How to Catch a Cheater: Cloud

Exploring the cloud can be a powerful way to catch a cheating spouse. Many people store photos, messages, and sometimes even secret files online without realizing their partner might find them.

You could discover unknown phone numbers, hidden messages, or evidence of plans they haven’t shared with you. Look into shared cloud services like Google Drive or iCloud where your partner may save things thinking they’re out of reach.

You don’t need to be a tech wizard to start snooping around in the cloud. Simply gaining access can reveal all sorts of information about your spouse’s activities that seem off. Pay attention to any unfamiliar files or folders that have been recently added.

This method shows how using technology to catch a cheating spouse offers practical benefits by uncovering truths hidden right under your nose, offering clear steps towards addressing issues in your relationship.

12. How to Catch a Cheater: Hidden Cameras and Voice Recorders

Putting hidden cameras and voice recorders in your place can be a game-changer if you’re trying to catch a cheating spouse. These tools allow you to see and hear what’s happening when you’re not around.

You might discover conversations or actions that confirm your suspicions about your partner cheating. Make sure to place these devices in common areas where they won’t invade anyone’s privacy unnecessarily.

Voice recorders are especially useful for capturing phone calls or face-to-face conversations your spouse has with someone else. This evidence can be hard to argue against if you decide it’s time to confront them about their behavior.

Remember, it’s important to check local laws regarding recording others without their consent before moving forward with this method. Being informed and careful will help ensure that the steps you take are both legal and effective in discovering the truth about your relationship.

How to Confront a Cheater

Finding the courage to face a cheater is tough, but it’s a crucial step toward healing. You deserve the truth and a chance to decide what’s next for you.

Prepare your emotions

Feeling strong and in control of your emotions is key before you confront a cheating spouse. This journey may stir up many intense feelings. It’s like navigating through a storm; staying calm helps you think clearly.

Acknowledge your feelings first — anger, betrayal, sadness — it’s all part of the healing process. Let these emotions out in healthy ways before the conversation. Maybe write them down or talk to someone you trust.

Getting ready for this talk means expecting any outcome. Your partner might deny everything or become defensive. They could even turn the tables on you. Stay focused on why you’re there — to express your concerns and hear what they have to say.

Remember, open communication can shine light on hidden truths.

Know what you want from this conversation — is it clarity, an apology, or understanding? This clarity will guide how you approach things and help keep the discussion productive rather than destructive.

Have a conversation in a calm and non-confrontational manner

Talking to your partner about suspicions can be tough. You must approach the conversation calmly and without accusing them right away. This sets a safe space for an open dialogue. Showing anger or jumping to conclusions could push them away or make them defensive.

Instead, explain your concerns and why you feel worried. Use “I” statements like “I feel concerned when..” instead of “You always..” This method encourages honesty and understanding from both sides.

Listening is just as important as talking in these situations. Pay attention to what they share, showing empathy where possible. Even if what you hear is hard to digest, keeping the conversation non-confrontational helps gather clearer insights into the situation at hand.

Remember, effective communication is key in resolving relationship issues and this includes hearing out their side of the story without interruption or judgment.

Show them the evidence

Gather all your findings and show them to your partner. Use screenshots, photos, or any other solid evidence of cheating you’ve collected. Presenting this information helps avoid denials and ensures the conversation is based on facts, not just feelings.

Make sure everything is clear and organized so your spouse can’t question the authenticity.

Explain each piece of evidence calmly and concisely. Avoid emotional outbursts that could derail the discussion. Your goal here is to seek the truth by providing undeniable proof of infidelity.

This step demands courage but remember, it’s crucial for resolving relationship problems and deciding on future actions.

Listen to their side of the story

Hearing out your partner offers them a chance to share their perspective. This step is crucial for open and honest communication, which experts agree is the easiest way to catch a cheater in a relationship.

Let them explain any misunderstandings or provide explanations for suspicious behavior you’ve noticed. It helps you gather all the facts before making any decisions about your future together.

Keep an open mind during this conversation. Sometimes, what seems like evidence of cheating could have another explanation. Listening can reveal truths or reassure doubts in ways other methods cannot match.

This process isn’t just about catching a cheater; it’s also about understanding and validating your feelings and those of your partner too.

After listening, reflect on what they’ve said alongside the evidence at hand. Compare their stories with what you know and feel. Trusting your instincts plays a big part here — if something still feels off, consider further investigation or professional advice for deeper insights into the matter at hand.

Decide on your next steps

Your instincts and evidence have guided you this far, pointing to your partner’s unfaithful behavior. It’s now time for action. Prepare yourself emotionally; this is crucial. Approach the conversation with calmness, aiming for a non-confrontational dialogue.

Present what you’ve found clearly — show them the secret messages, hidden photos, or suspicious bank card movements you’ve uncovered.

Listening plays a key role after laying out the evidence. Give them space to explain their side of the story. This can be challenging but remember, understanding their perspective is vital before making any decisions on the future of your relationship.

Deciding whether to mend or end things isn’t easy; it rests on how much trust remains between you both and if both are willing to work towards rebuilding that trust or part ways respectfully.


What signs might indicate that my partner is cheating?

Look out for changes in your partner’s behavior, such as staying out late without a clear reason, being protective over their phone or computer password, and suddenly needing privacy. If they’re receiving messages at odd hours or you notice unexplained expenses on phone bills, these may be red flags.

How can I discreetly check if my spouse is being unfaithful?

You could start by observing their mobile device use — are they quickly changing screens or deleting text messages when you come near? Conducting a background check or using an app to see if they’re where they claim to be can also offer clues without directly confronting them.

Is hiring a private investigator a good way to catch a cheater?

Yes, hiring a private investigator is one of the best ways to gather concrete evidence without getting personally involved. Investigators are experienced in discreetly following someone and recording everything needed to confront your partner with undeniable proof.

Can technology help me find out if my wife or husband is cheating?

Definitely! Technology offers many tools — like reverse phone number lookups and apps like Google Maps — to track locations discretely. Some apps even allow you to spy on cell phone calls and texts without permission from your partner.

What should I do if I confirm my spouse is cheating?

First, take time to process your emotions safely; feeling hurt and betrayed is normal. Then decide whether you want to talk to your partner directly about what you’ve found — remember communicating openly could either mend things or help you both move forward separately.

How should I talk about suspected infidelity with my spouse?

Approach this delicate conversation with honesty but avoid aggression — present the evidence calmly and clearly state how their actions have made you feel regarding the future of the relationship Whether rebuilding trust or parting ways, standing firm in what needs addressing ensures clarity for both parties moving ahead.

How to catch a cheater without their phone?

To catch your cheating partner, you may use one of the remote tracking methods. For example, GEOfinder works exclusively with the phone number of the right person for geolocating. Alternatively, iCloud credentials may come in handy for remote tracking of an iOS gadget. Most applications described above are suitable for busting a person who may be cheating.

Are there some free Android spy apps cheating spouse?

Although most spy software types require a fee, you may still find free solutions on the market. They won’t provide the large set of features free of charge, but you’ll obtain the basics. For example, it is possible to use Hoverwatch Android app to spy on spouse’s cell phone for free or Mobile Tracker to get the coveted results at no cost. You may try any service that offers a free trial. GEOfinder’s 1-day trial may be used, for instance.

How to catch a cheater on iPhone?

If you know the credentials of the right person, the process is straightforward with modern applications. Visit mSpy or Spynger website and follow the instructions given. All you need to do is log in to the iOS account and get full access to the information.

How do private investigators catch cheaters?

As a rule, investigators use complex techniques to follow your spouse and catch them in the act. While hiring a private investigator, you should know they set up hidden surveillance devices and use GPS tracker equipment, Google Maps, and call log tools. In other words, they also use surveillance gadgets other than direct physical tracking.

What is the best free app to catch a cheater?

If it’s about tracking a person’s geolocation, then try the GEOfinder trial offer. mSpy also has a similar option but with a more extensive set of features. Or, benefit from a well-proven Mobile Tracker Free or Hoverwatch to catch a cheater app-wised. Free apps may be as helpful as their paid versions if you want to check someone’s info.

Final Words

Catching a cheater might feel daunting, but it’s possible with the right tools and methods. From using spyware apps to monitoring phone behavior and employing GPS tracking, each strategy offers a unique glimpse into a spouse’s fidelity.

Remember, trust your gut if things seem off in your marriage. Discussing concerns directly with your partner can also shed light on truths hidden beneath the surface. With these techniques, gaining clarity about your relationship becomes achievable, empowering you to make informed decisions about its future.



Serg Gardner

I am a practicing psychologist. The aim of my work is to investigate relations between women and men.