Embracing the Dilemma: The Forces of Knowledge and Love

Sergei Anikin
3 min readJun 24, 2024


When I was a small boy, I once received a toy gun. Curious and bored while sick, I decided to take it apart to understand how it worked. However, when I tried to reassemble it, I found myself with leftover parts and no clue where they fit.

This experience encapsulates the two fundamental forces that drive our lives: the force of knowledge and the force of love. The force of knowledge drives us to dissect and analyze, breaking things into their component parts. On the other hand, the force of love compels us to piece things back together, creating a cohesive whole.

Have you ever wondered which force dominates within you?

Here’s a simple way to find out: recall a childhood moment when you experienced injustice. What would justice have looked like to you in that situation? If you envisioned equality, your dominant force is likely love. If you sought special treatment, knowledge might be your guiding force.

Why does this matter?

Firstly, it reveals the influence of two additional forces in our lives: authority and luck. For those driven by knowledge, 80% of their influence comes from authority and 20% from luck. Conversely, those led by love find that luck plays a more significant role, accounting for 80%, with authority making up the remaining 20%.

Why is Knowledge Driven by Authority? Knowledge is structured, hierarchical, and often relies on established systems and rules. Authority in this context comes from experts, educators, and institutions that dictate what is known and how it should be applied. Think about academia, professional training, and certifications — these are all systems where knowledge is passed down through recognized authorities. While luck can play a role (such as being in the right place at the right time to learn something valuable), it is the authority that validates and organizes knowledge.

Why is Love Mostly About Luck? Love, in contrast, is unpredictable and spontaneous. It often depends on chance encounters, serendipitous moments, and the random confluence of events and emotions. While authority can guide and influence our understanding of love (through cultural norms, family expectations, and societal values), the essence of love is often found in those unplanned, lucky moments that bring people together. Meeting the right person, being at the right place at the right time, and the chemistry that just happens — these are elements of luck that play a major role in love.

Understanding this balance can help you focus your efforts more effectively.

Moreover, societal norms often label the act of separation as evil and unification as good. Consider these examples:

Separation as Evil:

  • Discrimination: Separating people based on race, gender, or religion often leads to injustice, inequality, and conflict.
  • Divorce: While sometimes necessary, it can cause significant emotional and financial turmoil for families.
  • Segregation: Historical instances of segregation have led to widespread social and economic disparities.

Unification as Good:

  • Community Building: Bringing people together fosters support, understanding, and collective progress.
  • Peace Treaties: Unifying conflicting parties can end wars and bring about lasting peace.
  • Team Collaboration: In the workplace, uniting diverse skills and perspectives can drive innovation and success.

Yet, consider this: there can be no unification without prior separation. The very act of bringing together disparate pieces to form a whole is predicated on their initial separation. It is through understanding and navigating the complexities of separation that we can achieve meaningful and lasting unification.

Recognizing and embracing both forces within us allows for a more balanced and nuanced approach to life’s challenges. By acknowledging that unification is inherently tied to separation, we can appreciate the full spectrum of our experiences and work towards a more harmonious existence.

So, which force shapes your journey?

