Sergey Chernyshov
3 min readJan 23, 2017


I’ve made a small translation of similar Russian concept:

At the end of the 80th among the Soviet military leadership has spread the idea that in the case of a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, the Union will broke up into four industrial isolated regions — Western Region, the Urals, the Far East and Ukraine. According to the plans, even in such harsh post-apocalyptic conditions each region should be able to self-produce an inexpensive aircraft to attack the enemy. This plane had to be the Easy-Reproduced Sturmovik (LVSH).

The terms of reference for the project LVSH stipulated maximum use of elements of the Su-25 aircraft, also Sukhoi Su-25 project code was designated T-8, while the LVSH aircraft was designated T-8V (propeller).

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, low wing, two turbo-prop engines

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, high wing, two turbo-prop engines, small canards

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, low wing, single turbo-prop engine

“Annaconda” — Cockpit of the Su-25, high wing, twin-boom, two turbo-prop engines, transport capability

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, mid wing, two turbo-prop engines with pusher propellers, canards

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, mid wing, two turbo-prop engines with one pusher propeller, canards

Fuselage and cockpit of the Mi-24 helicopter, high wing, two turbo-prop engines, transport capability

Fuselage and cockpit of the Ka-52 helicopter, high wing (folded), two turbo-prop engines

Fuselage and cockpit of the Su-25, low wing, turbofan jet engines

More history, pictures and technical details available in Russian at source link.

