What I’m working on in 2024

Sergey Shandar
2 min readJan 18, 2024


Created by Midjourney

The main thing is, of course, content-addressable internet. The network is protocol-agnostic, so it’s compatible with current location-based internet. Simply put, it doesn’t matter how you receive a message as long as the sender digitally signs it. In my opinion, this is long overdue, and it can change how we work with data, code, identities, and trust.

The first project is the BLOCKSET. It’s an open-source program that can store and retrieve data blocks by cryptographic hash. The main innovation of the program is the CDT hash algorithm, which identifies the same parts of data blocks. This property allows to build scalable storages that compresses data efficiently and reduces network traffic. Another exciting feature of the BLOCKSET is the possibility to synchronize multiple storages by simple file copy as proof that it’s protocol agnostic.

The second project is FunctionalScript, a purely function subset of JavaScript without side effects. The language has no user-defined nominal types so that it can be used in the content-addressable internet for different applications, including smart contracts. At the same time, the language doesn’t depend on any blockchain or even a content-addressable network, and it can be used in any JavaScript application (Web, Mobile, server) without additional compilation or other build steps.

For 2024, I plan to embed FunctionalScript into BLOCKSET and build a protocol-agnostic network for individual usage. It will not have data or identity vendor lock-ins, one of the biggest problems in almost all modern social networks.

