Mail server configuring. Part 3. RoundCube Webmail

Sergey Yakimchuck
3 min readApr 12, 2019


Mail web client RoundCube

RoundCube Webmail is a web-based IMAP email client. Roundcube’s most prominent feature is the pervasive use of Ajax technology. After about two years of development, the first stable release of Roundcube was announced in early 2008. Roundcube is written in PHP and can be employed in conjunction with a LAMP “stack”, or any other operating system that supports PHP are supported as well.

Roundcube is free and open-source software subject to the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL) with exceptions for skins and plugins.

RoundCube installation

For its operation (data storage, message caching and internal email address book)RoundCube requires MySQL-server. Let’s install it locally

# apt install mysql-server mysql-client

Enter the password for the root user of MySQL server during installation (this step can be omitted in some distributions)

After that we can install RoundCube

# apt install roundcube

During installation, we will be prompted to automatically configure the database for RoundCube using dbconfig-common

Choose the database type — mysql

And enter the root password for MySQL (this step can be omitted in some distributions)

Then we will be prompted to enter the password for the user roundcube. It can be empty. In this case password will be randomized.

Installation is complete.

Now we need to configure RoundCube to work properly with our mail server.

RoundCube configuring

Open the RoundCube configuration file — /etc/roundcube/

It needs to be changed:

$config[‘default_host’] = array(“”);


$config[‘smtp_server’] = ‘’;


$config[‘mail_domain’] = ‘study.local’;

Web-server Apache2 configuring

Configure our web server to enable the mail interface with secure protocol https.

To do this, we will connect to Apache the necessary extensions

# a2enmod ssl*

Now we will enabled the default https site

# a2ensite default-ssl

and in file /etc/apache2/conf.d/roundcube enable line

Alias /roundcube /var/lib/roundcube

After that we need to restart Apache

#service apache2 restart

Now the web interface for our mail server is available at the link https://ip-addr/roundcube

Now basic configuration of mail server is complete.


