How to Install Minecraft with Mods in 2024

3 min readDec 30, 2023


This explains installing the Forge API which is the most popular as of 2024. There are other modding APIs for Minecraft like Frabric, Quilt, and NeoForge. Installing those might be different.

1. Launch Minecraft at least once

Open Minecraft at least once before continuing. Doesn’t mater what version, it just needs to run once to create the game’s directories. Using the Legacy Launcher works too.

Exit Minecraft before continuing.

2. Download Forge

  1. Select your Minecraft Version on the left. I’m showing 1.20.1
  2. Then under Download Latest click Installer

The screenshots show version 47.2.18 but you should download a newer version if there is one.

Download Forge for Minecraft 1.20.1

Click SKIP to start the download.

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3. Install Forge Client

Your path will be different —that’s normal — don’t change it. Click OK.

If you skipped step one you’ll see an error here.

macOS Only:

You can’t just run a jar file on macOS. Jar files contain code which isn’t digitally signed, so there’s an extra step. You have two options:

1. Open a terminal and run it with java:

java -jar ~/Downloads/forge-*-installer.jar

2. Using Finder, right-click the file and select open. On this pop-up, select open again:

macOS warning that this jar files contain unsigned code

4. Open Minecraft Launcher

Change the version to Forge. Click PLAY.

5. Install Mods

Click Mods, click Open mods folder

Download the mods you want from curseforge. Each mod is a jar file. Copy the jar file into the mods folder.

Make sure to download mods matching your Minecraft version and the Forge API.

curseforge showing a mod for Minecraft 1.20.1 + Forge API

5. Relaunch Minecraft

Restart Minecraft to load the mods. Mod count is shown at the bottom. You’re ready to play with Mods 🎉

Thank You

If this helped you please leave a “thank you”, as encouragement for me to write more guides.

If something didn’t work, leave a comment and I’ll try to help.

Have fun!

