Step by Step tutorial to add Vuetify to Laravel with Auth scaffolding and Vuex

Sergi Tur Badenas
3 min readApr 16, 2018


Note: Please also check the Laravel Frontend preset I have created at see demo page here:

First install Laravel installer then create a new Laravel project with:

$ laravel new vuetify
$ cd vuetify

Boostrap your Laravel app configuring the common initial steps like database configuration, migrations, running a php server. I’ve created a tool called llum to let me automate this steps running:

llum boot

This really executes:

 $ composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper

Config .env file to use sqlite database:


Run database migrations:

php artisan migrate

Execute server or use Laravel Valet, Homestead or you prefered option:

php artisan serve

Welcome Page

Update welcome.blade.php using Vuetify Premade Paralax Landing Page theme:

Some relevant info:

CSS/Sass update

Update resources/assets/sass/app.scss to:

  • Remove file _variables.scss
  • Add v-cloak to avoid FUOC. I also have added an SVG spinning image when loading
  • We use pace.js to we configure wich type of pace we want to use.

Javascript and Vue components

In our case we decided to create a more complex welcome page that also integrates authentication using Vue components:

  • login-button: Vuetify button that triggers a Vuetify Dialog for login.
  • register-button: Vuetify button that triggers a Vuetify Dialog for register.
  • remember-password: Vuetify Dialog that displays remember password form.
  • reset-password:Vuetify Dialog that displays reset password form.
  • snack-bar: Allows user to show snackbars with info or error messages.

This components are installed in Vuetify Landing Page (welcome.blade.php file):

So we need to update resources/assets/js/app.js file to:

As you can see we also added the necessary code to runs Vuetify sidebar menu.

We also update bootstrap.js:

And added to folder resources/assets/js/components the following Vue component Files:

With the following Mixins:

We also added a Vuex store folder:

With the following modules:

Auth module

Snackbar module

Users module

And a utils folder:

Also and api folder to centralize all Axios api calls using promises:

Finally update package.json file to:

“Recompile” Javascript with:

npm install && npm run dev

Laravel Authentication Scaffolding controllers

Install Laravel default Auth scaffolding:

php artisan make:auth

And register a new user in Landing page. Now it’s time to change home.blade.php and default App laravel layout. Overwrite the following files:

  • resources/views/home.blade.php
  • resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php

Remember that items object is defined in resources/assets/js/app.js file.

You can also remove resources/views/auth folder because all this views are already integrated as Vue components in the Landing Page.

Also we need to overwrite default Auth controllers (app/Http/Controllers/Auth folder):

  • ForgotPasswordController.php
  • LoginController.php
  • RegisterController.php
  • ResetPasswordController.php

All of them shows the Welcome/Landing Page with and action that triggers the needed dialog (login, register, remember_password or reset_password). Example:

* Show the application's login form.
@return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function showLoginForm()
return view('welcome', [
'action' => 'login'

Finally add Update User (edit profile) at routes/api.php:

Route::group(['prefix'=>'v1','middleware' => 'auth:api'], function() {
Route::put('/user', 'LoggedUserController@update');

Controller app/Http/Controllers/LoggedUserController:


Laravel Passport API authentication

To avoid errors calling api with autenticated users we have to install and configure Laravel Passport.

composer require laravel/passport
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install

App\User class had Trait:


To AuthServiceProvider add:


at config/auth.php

And add CreateFreshApiToken middleware to Kernel.php file:


Optional step 1: Enable eslint, editorconfig

Add the following files to root folder:

  • .editorconfig
  • .eslintignore
  • .eslintrc.js


root = true

charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true



module.exports = {
root: true,
parser: 'babel-eslint',
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'module'
env: {
browser: true,
extends: 'standard',
// required to lint *.vue files
plugins: [
// add your custom rules here
rules: {
// allow async-await
'generator-star-spacing': 'off',
// allow debugger during development
'no-debugger': process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'off'



Optional step 2: Enable email

To allow user to change password via email you have to active Laravel Email Configuration . For example you can use Mailtrap setting your Mailtrap username and password to .env file:


Final Code

See Gihub repo:

Demo site:



Sergi Tur Badenas

Computer Science Teacher and Open Source contributor in my free time. Creator of adminlte-laravel.