5 min readJul 1, 2018


First of all, this article does not contain investment advice. I will try to explain the technologies that Stakenet has already presented to the world of crypto and that it is trying to present.


There is no lower limit for you to make a stake. All you have to do is download and install the XSN wallet from, send coins to wallet and keep the wallet unlocked. The pc which the wallet is installed must be connected to the internet 24/7 and there is no need for static ip. Does not require technical knowledge for installation. But there are many disadvantages. E.g; connection problems such as internet and power failures will cause problems in connecting to the system and receiving rewards. It includes a security vulnerability because your wallet will be unlocked.


This feature, which is active, will make you forget the other stake methods we know. If you do not have enough coins for masternode and your technical knowledge is not enough, you can make Tpos and stake your coins without taking any risk by contributing to the system. There is a merchant in tpos, and merchant makes stake your coins for you and receives commission as agreed upon in return for this service.

So why is merchant needed and why does it get commission?

Each investor’s technical knowledge is not high and they may want to stake their coins. The merchant rents VPS instead of investors, does all the technical procedures and follows the stake. The investor only makes the contract through the system in the first place and does not interfere with the rest. Merchants also receive commission from the rewards due to these services.

Do we need to trust merchants?

No one in this system has to rely on anyone. There is no need for mutual trust. I can describe it in a detailed but simple way; you decide to do Tpos, and negotiate for a commission with a merchant based on the amount of coin you have in your hand. Then on the Tpos tab in your wallet, you write the address given to you by the merchant, the commission rate you agree, the amount you want to stake. And you confirm the contract. When this confirmation is made, the system will create a tpos address in your wallet and transfer your coins to this address in your wallet in the background. TPOS rewards will come to this adress. In the same way, the commission is automatically credited to the merchant’s address by the system. Everything is done automatically by the system according to the contract information. Neither you nor merchant will have to trust anyone. Already TPOS (Trustless Proof Of Stake) name comes from here.

You have to trust the banks, even when you’re depositing money to the banks, because they have your money. But in Tpos, this is not the case, your coins are in your hands. So I do not say that this technology is more secure than banks, because you do not have to trust anyone in Tpos.


Let’s say you have enough technical knowledge, but you have insufficient Xsn coins for masternode. Of course you do not want to give commission to the merchant. In this case, the most logical is Own-Tpos. In the Own-Tpos we become our own merchant and pay the commission to ourselves. The only cost is the leased VPS.

So why choose the Own-Tpos instead of the Stake?

Because the main wallet in the PC containing the coins remains closed after setup. The wallet on the server is empty and only runs stake. Incoming rewards and main capital remain on PC and offline. In this respect, it is very safe and is recommended to investors who have not enough coins for masternode but have high technical knowledge.

A New Profession; MERCHANT

You do not need to buy XSN to become a Merchant. Your only cost will be to rent a VPS. But you have to be knowledgeable enough in the technical section. Especially you need to know very well the virtual servers and the coding of the XSN wallet and be experienced. The skills and experience to solve any problem is essential. When you provide them you will have a job. Tpos system developed by Stakenet has realized a first in this field by providing employment opportunities without making any investment.


Stakenet will enable the direct exchange of all POS based coins that are supported in the multi currency wallet via Atomic Swap (Cross Chain Swap) on the DEX to be opened. Cross Chain Swapping is done on block chains of coins, it is a proof of stake. Using this proof, The Stakenet Developer Team revealed the idea of a new stake method and developed CCPOS (Cross Chain Proof Of Stake). With CCPOS, you can stake your Xsn coins and receive payment in a coin you want (e.g. btc).


Dex is built on XSN masternodes and will be completely decentralized through masternodes. Three different reward systems have been developed to encourage the setup of these masternodes that are required for DEX. The first of these is the block reward system which is currently active. The second is profit share income from dex commissions and the third is the Revolving Stake Bonus (RSB).


As I mentioned above, Stakenet builds a decentralized exchange on masternodes. The most important feature that distinguishes this exchange from others is the multi currency supported Hardware Wallet which is requested to be integrated into the dex at the end of 2018. As we all know, the safest way to stock coins is the hardware wallets. You will be able to stock the coins supported in this multi-currency hardware wallet in the most secure way, make cold stake with TPOS/CCPOS and make passive income, and trade your coins with Atomic Swap. When this project comes to life, everything that can be done with coins will be collected in a single wallet and a lot of dilemmas for investors will end. For example, investors have to choose to make stake or trade for profit. It is not safe to keep the coins on the exchanges but when a good sales opportunity arrives, the opportunity has already escaped until the coins are withdrawed to the exchanges. Such situations will be ended with this project. In short, with this hardware wallet you can do the following;

-Safest coin stocking,

-Passive income with cold stake,


XSN Address: XdjzNvp5XTtzB5De3vFyg4kTohNQrNndv9

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