Serverless Web Applications — AWS v GCP

Let’s look at the differences between AWS and GCP when it comes to Serverless/cloud-native web application development

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru


In this article, we will jump into the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) from the perspective that you’re already familiar with Amazon Web Services (AWS). We will be tackling how to build Serverless/cloud-native web applications on GCP and AWS. Along with a breakdown of related services and how they compare when held up next to each other.

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Serverless Web Applications

Google Cloud Platform

The Google Cloud Platform or GCP is one of the major cloud providers that developers can leverage to build applications that are optimized, scalable, and secure. With GCP you get the powerful integrations that only Google can offer such as GSuite. Google also runs its own applications at the scale of hundreds of millions, meaning the services that GCP is releasing are battle tested and most of them were born out of Google products such as Youtube or Gmail.

GCP has services that cover the entire surface area of modern applications and have poured a lot of time and energy into making their services easy to understand and use.



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

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