Serverless CI/CD —Cloud Build

Let’s learn how to CI/CD on GCP.

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru


In this article, we are going to cover Cloud Build a fully managed Serverless CI/CD solution from the Google Cloud Platform. To kick off, we will start with what even is a CI/CD, what is Cloud Build, what are some common use cases and then move into more advanced topics. Such as Cloud Builders, running bash scripts with npm, and passing artifacts between jobs.

  • What is a CI/CD?
  • What is Cloud Build?
  • Use Cases
  • How to use Cloud Builders
  • Bash scripts with npm
  • How to pass artifacts between jobs
  • Create/Store Docker Images
  • Regex Build Triggers

Hope you’re ready for some learning! Let’s get into it 😃.

What is a CI/CD?

To be fair CI/CD is actually the combination of two different concepts.

Continuous Integration

The first is called CI (Continuous Integration), a powerful way to continuously build and test your code. Usually, the process is triggered off an update to an SCM (Source Code Manager). After the trigger fires, your CI will begin to build your application and then run tests and other…



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

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