Serverless Impact — Developer Velocity

What is the impact of Serverless?

Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru


Hey there, my name is Ryan Jones. I’m a Serverless Application Developer and I also where the CEO hat for running the day to day operations of a Cloud Consulting company called, Serverless Guru. Above is a photo from a recent talk I did at DevOps PDX on the effect of Serverless on the software development lifecycle.

In this short article, we are going to cover a topic which is near and dear to my heart. The impact Serverless has on Developer Velocity (boom, used the title). Velocity meaning acceleration and acceleration meaning speed. I love to harp on how Serverless can speed up development because it’s frankly just the truth. Hopefully, I can give you some of my reasons in the paragraphs below.


We are all fully aware that automation is a key ingredient to increasing developer velocity. We usually do this in the form of bash scripts, python scripts, IAC, CI/CD pipelines and so on. In more traditional organizations the developers are only responsible for the application code. Then all the other factors are handed off from team to team. Each hand off slows down the delivery time, causes more duplicated steps, and involves more meetings.

Why is Serverless application development…



Serverless Guru
Serverless Guru

We can help you migrate to serverless, build serverless applications, and train your team on serverless best practices.