Frequently Asked Questions About Visiting Mutianyu Great Wall

Ricky Wong
7 min readSep 22, 2019


The Most Common Questions About Mutianyu and Answers

Visiting Mutianyu Great Wall and trying to cram as much as possible for as little as possible can be difficult if you don’t know your way around. You probably have many questions and we are here to help. Let’s get right to it!

1. What are the Current Fees for Mutianyu Great Wall?

The ticket fare for the Mutianyu Great Wall runs 45RMB p.p, 15RMB p.p both ways by shuttle bus, 120RMB both ways by cable car, and 100RMB p.p one-way via toboggan. Rates are subject to change and visitors are advised to check with a travel agent.

2. Is the Mutianyu tour Bus 867 in Service?

The short answer is: No. bus 867 has stopped servicing, and it’s not available anymore since April, 2016. Visiting Mutianyu by bus is a good option on the cheap. However, if you don’t want to spend the majority of the day coming and going on public transportation, then hiring a private car is a much more cost efficient.

3. What are the Top Restaurants with Chinese Noodles Options near the Mutianyu Great Wall?

Ranked among the more popular eateries, Lake Palace, Xin Shuang QuanSheng Tai LvYuan Restaurant, Yu Jia Ao, and Shun Tong serve Chinese cuisine and are within 2 miles (3.22 km) of the Mutianyu Great Wall.

  • XinShuangQuan Restaurant, Chinese restaurant, Food include Kung Pow Chicken, Sauteed Mushrooms, and Local Barbecue Fish. One of the few local restaurants open late. 30–50yuan per person. Open time: 8:30am–7:00pm. Phone: (010)61621633
  • Xiaolongpu Restaurant, dishes from around China, including Sichuan, Canton, Northeast, and even Beijing. A good place for a quick meal to or from Mutianyu. 30–50yuan per person. Open time: 8:30am–7:00pm. Phone: (010)61621322
  • Fish Chef, near Mutianyu Roundabout famous for the rainbow trout barbacue, 30–50yuan per person. Open time: 7:30am–10:30pm. Phone: (010)61621024
  • Subway fast food restaurant, at the base of Mutianyu, 30–50yuan per person. Open time: 8:00am –6:00pm. Phone: (010)61626496

4. Is Mobility Difficult on the Mutianyu Great Wall and Should I Use the Cable Car and Ski Lift?

The Great Wall was not built with tourism in mind. Those with limited mobility often take cable up and, perhaps, walk back down on your own or utilize lift to come down. There are options available for visitors.

5. Is there a Minimum Age to Ride the Mutianyu Toboggan?

No. Children and elders widely use Toboggan. However, the sick, the elderly as well as children below the ages of ten or have a height measuring less than 130 cm, must be accompanied by a responsible adult to ride.

6. Is There a Public Shuttle Service that Travels to Mutianyu and Ming Tombs on the Same Day?

There is not a tour bus that travels to both on the same day, because they are far apart. However, visitors can secure transportation to both.

7. Can I take the Enclosed Cable Car Up the Great Wall Mutianyu and Walk Down?

Yes. This is a relatively common practice because the stairs can be steep in places.

8. Is Morning or Late Afternoon the Best Time to Visit the Mutianyu Great Wall?

Visitors often prefer to experience the Great Wall in the morning during summer to avoid the heat. In Fall or Winter, the late afternoon is often favored.

9. Is it Difficult to Find a Taxi from Mutianyu back to Beijing City Centre?

Taxi service tends to be at a premium and visitors may be better served to hire a driver in advance or book seats on tour buses.

10. How Long Does it Take to Travel Up and Down the Mutianyu Great Wall?

For travelers with a layover in Beijing, it’s possible to go up and down the Mutianyu Great Wall in about two hours. However, visitors may be best served by scheduling at least a half day to savor this once in a lifetime experience.

11. Are There Issues Balancing, Especially at Sharp Corners, when taking a Toboggan Ride at Mutianyu?

Riders have the ability to control their own speeds. The ride is generally not considered challenging.

12. Will it be Very Cool at Mutianyu Great Wall in Early November?

November is considered an excellent time of year to visit the Great Wall. The temperatures usually call for a light jacket.

13. Does the Mutianyu Cable Car Operate During December?

Yes. The hours are usually 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Hours of operation may be subject to change.

14. How Much Does a Ca Ride from Beijing to Mutianyu Great Wall Cost?

Costs vary, but visitors report paying more than $100 for a round trip.

15. When is the Best time to Arrive at the Mutianyu Great Wall?

Weekends tend to draw larger crowds. Visitors interested in less wait time generally arrive in the early morning during weekdays.

16. Should I Visit the Simatai or Mutianyu Great Wall?

Both areas have unique positives that are a matter of visitor choice. The Mutianyu Great Wall enjoys toboggan, ski lifts, and offer restored and unfinished rugged sections. The Simatai area has been cited as more suitable for very young children. It may be best to speak with a tour guide about your unique preferences.

17. Can I Visit Mutianyu, Badaling, and Jinshanling in One Day?

Although all three offer a unique, breath-taking experience, they are not close enough to each other to see all three in a single day.

18. Can I Visit the Mutianyu Great Wall with a Baby and Ride the Luge?

Many parents bring children to the Mutianyu Great Wall. The policy generally requires children to be accompanied by an adult to ride the Luge.

19. Are there Height and Weight Restriction to Ride the Toboggan at the Mutianyu Great Wall?

Riders control the toboggan’s speed, and there are no formal policies in place about height and weight restrictions.

20. Can I Visit the Badaling, Huanghuacheng and Mutianyu Great Walls Using a Toboggan in One Day?

No. These areas are too far apart. People with mobility issues may find Mutianyu easier to traverse.

21. Are Drones Allowed at Mutianyu Great Wall?

It is not advisable to fly a drone over the Great Wall without expressed permission. There are several government facilities and private properties that could pose a legal problem. Check before you fly your drone in a specific area.

22. Is it Possible to Visit the Huanghuacheng and Mutianyu Great Wall Sections in One Day?

Absolutely yes. These areas are not far apart. Hiring a private car is a much more cost efficient way to see both Mutianyu and Huanghuacheng.

23. How Much is Airport Transfer for Badaling vs Mutianyu on a Wheelchair?

The Badaling section is usually only wheelchair accessible until you reach the Great Wall. Then it’s stairs. The Mutianyu Great Wall has cable cars and lifts that may be handicapped accessible. Check with your travel agent for more details.

24. How Does Mutianyu vs. Jinshanling Rate for Seniors?

Travelers tend to prefer the Mutianyu Great Wall for seniors because it has lifts and cable cars to carry you up and rides down as well. However, seniors may find Jinshanling viable, depending on mobility.

25. What Should I Know About Luggage storage at or Near Mutianyu?

Yes. There is usually a luggage counter that will secure your belongings while you enjoy the Great Wall.

26. What are the More Popular Restaurants near Mutianyu or Ming Tombs?

The Jiu Long Chi Farmhouse ranks among the more highly rated eateries close to the Ming Tombs. Other popular options may be 5 miles (ca. 8 km) or farther away.

27. Should I Hire a Guide when Visiting Mutianyu?

The Great Wall destination is quite popular and accessible to people from all over the world without the need for a guide.

28. How can I Reach the Mutianyu Great Wall from Beijing Capital City Airport?

Traveling by car takes about 90 minutes. There are no tour buses and public transportation available.

29. I’m Afraid of Heights. Which is Higher, Badaling or Mutianyu Great Wall?

Although the Great Wall rises over large inclines, visitors who are concerned about heights find they are not in a position to look over a great height while walking. Both provide similar experiences.

30. How to get to Mutianyu Great Wall by Public Transport?

Bus 916 tends to be the preferred means of public transportation.

31. I will be landing at 07:45 and my total transit time is 8 hours 40 minutes. Do I Have Enough Time to Visit the Mutianyu Great Wall?

Probably not. If your layover is at least 9 hours or more, and you have transportation, then you could have 1–2 hours to experience Mutianyu Great Wall, the trip will be more worthwhile.

32. What is the Path from the Shuttle Bus Parking Lot to the Mutianyu Cable Car Like?

The path takes only about 3 minutes to walk beyond the ski lift and is not considered steep.

33. Hiking Jiankou to Mutianyu, or JiuYanLou to Zheng Bei Lou?

These sections are generally for experienced hikers and may take you off the Great Wall into rugged territory.

34. Is The Summer Palace or To Mutianyu Quieter on a Sunday?

The Summer Palace tends to be very busy on weekends. Because the Mutianyu Great Wall is located outside Beijing proper, it is generally the quieter destination.

35. I’m Hiking the Great Wall from Jinshanling to Mutianyu and Camping Overnight. Will it be Very Cold?

The temperatures are modest in late Spring, Summer, and early Fall. It can be quite cold from late Fall to early Spring. It’s also important to check the local guidelines about where one can legally camp while hiking the Great Wall.

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