What to Do at the Top of the Great Wall? 5 Cool Things to Try!

Ricky Wong
2 min readAug 10, 2019


5 Amazing Things You Can Do on the Great Wall


Millions of people travel to Beijing each year to experience the Great Wall of China. Many think about walking a section of the architectural marvel and taking photographs. Others consider long hikes to see as much as they can during their Beijing visit. But there are plenty of fun things to do beyond walking and snapping selfies. Consider these five cool things you can do at the Great Wall of China.

1. Watch the Sunset from these Vantage Points

Everyone experiences that sublime moment during a sunset when the sky’s colors come alive. A beautiful sunset can take your breath away and remain in your memory for a lifetime. Imagine looking out on a glorious sunset from the Great Wall overlooking the expansive China landscape. Although the sunset can be fantastic from many vantage points, these locations are considered among the best.

The robust unequaled view could deliver the most wondrous sunset you have ever experienced.

Check out this link for the details: http://www.wildgreatwall.com/what-to-do-top-great-wall-5-cool-things-try/

