Requesting a Personal Developer Instance

ServiceNow Scholar
3 min readJul 12, 2019


Requesting a Personal Developer Instance

Requesting A Personal Developer Instance

Get started on your ServiceNow journey by requesting a Personal Developer Instance

First of all, what is a Personal Developer Instance and why would you want one? A Personal Developer Instance is a sandbox that you can play around in and destroy until your heart is content. It’s a great tool to teach yourself how to learn ServiceNow or if you want to try something out without destroying your company’s development instance. It’s also a great place to activate plugins before activating them in your company’s development instance, as plugins cannot be deactivated.

ServiceNow Developer Account:

Before requesting for an instance, you must sign up and create a ServiceNow Developer account. Click here to be directed to the sign up page.

How To Request a Personal Developer Instance:

Once you have your ServiceNow ID, you may request your instance. Be sure to check your email to verify your account.

1. Once you’ve signed in, hover over the Manage menu and click on the Instance dropdown.

2. Click Request Instance.

3. Choose which version of ServiceNow you would like to operate on. Note that releases are named in alphabetical order (Ex. The Madrid release is more recent than the London release). Click Request Instance.

Request a Developer Instance

Logging In To Your Personal Developer Instance:

Great! You now have your own Personal Developer Instance!

1. Be sure to copy your password to your clipboard. You’ll be using it to log in.

2. Use this url link to be directed to the log in page.

3. A quick description of the Action dropdown menus:

Activate plugin — a suite of plug ins that can be activated. Beware, once a plugin is activated, you cannot deactivate it.
Release instance — this will delete your instance completely.
Remove demo data — removes any demo data installed by the system or a plugin.
Reset admin password — option to reset your log in password.
Reset and wipe instance — this will completely reset your instance to factory defaults.
Upgrade instance — upgrade your instance to another version.

4. Log in to your personal developer instance using

username: admin

Password: (the password given to you in step 1)

*You’ll be given the option to restart your password once you log in*

Congrats! You now have your very own Personal Developer Instance!

Let us know if there’s anything we missed or you would like us to expand upon in the comments!

At the time of this writing, we are on the London release. The information presented in this article may not apply to your instance if you are on a different version of ServiceNow.

