ImmVRse — Disrupting the VR industry

sesepuh uyeah
4 min readMay 20, 2018


Greetings of Peace of the Universe

I’m sure that each of you was in a 3D cinema. Just ten years ago, such technologies seemed to us something amazing and incredible. The first viewing of this movie delighted. Then began to appear home theaters, glasses. All this shows that progress does not stand still, and the further, the more exciting are the inventions.

But do you often see such devices in your life?

I could not face this, although I’ve heard how real estate sellers use VR glasses for virtual arrivals in your future apartment.

This is not the only segment where they could find their application: medicine, where doctors could show in advance how your body will look after the operation, or interactive training with full immersion. How many options there are, but there is always a BUT.

What kind of “but” is found in this case?

Expensive and difficult. So the amateur would answer. As an engineer, I can say with an accuracy of $ 1 that the cost of designing a VR module fluctuates around $ 20–30 when hand-assembled on DecaWave chips. But, all this requires cost and time. Some are lazy, some are afraid of further difficulties in designing.

Large players of the market are increasingly beginning to invest in fast-growing products, and as it turned out, VR is one of such high-speed innovations. Although it is impossible to name the product innovative, it can not be found, its origins lie in the creation of polarized glasses, when everything started with the simplest paper glasses with two lenses: red and blue.

Do not forget that some of the world famous manufacturers have been trying for a long time to introduce VR technology into their business. And let it still raw and not quite in demand from the common man, but it has tremendous growth potential.

I’ve been measuring virtual reality glasses from Samsung — and yes, it’s a very new feeling when the review is actually 360 degrees, and not as before in the cinema, when you could only look at the full face without turning your head.

Some make predictions that in some 8–10 years, the capitalization of this segment should reach almost $ 100 billion. These are very good indicators for a fairly short time interval.

I have not tried it, and I think that I will not be useful.

A common mistake many. The problem is that people often push something new for themselves, because they do not know how to use it and in what area of ​​life they apply. So in the segment of virtual reality. There is practically no symbiosis between the creators of equipment and those who can shoot a high-quality video product based on this equipment.

ImmVRse is trying to establish a bridge between these parties and popularize this direction among a large number of users.

What we get is an ecosystem that gives talented people the tools to create. Over time, advertisers will be attracted to the site, who will be ready to encourage content makers for their work and attracting the audience to sell their products. As a result, in the long term we will get the untwisted site of virtual reality.

I would like to note that at the moment there is no competition in this sector. The creators of this are very closed because of the lack of opportunities to present their work to the public.

We have already been able to identify the main users:

lay out the most diverse content on the platform, for which they receive remuneration in the form of the internal currency of the ecosystem. In this case, there is a rating system, where the best are always on the top lines.

users who are interested in this type of information. The most interesting is that they are also rewarded for being actively involved in the development of this ecosystem.

place their advertisements and use other promotion mechanisms through the creators of content, for which they are paid remunerations in ImmVRse tokens.

The system of assessing and ranking users will help the site to systematize content, and contentmakers strive to create a quality product that is interesting and useful for the general public.

The project, which has a technical and personal value, always differs favorably from the others. Perhaps at some stages it will be difficult to explain to people that this is a step into the future. But I’m sure that the modern generation is ready for such new “chips” and the popularity of this platform is just around the corner.

More Information Visit The ImmVRse Link:







Author : Sesepuh

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