A Quick Look at the Heart of Deimos: Cambion Drift

Warframe is sticking to Its Farming Roots

Seth Underwood


Gamerant recently published a comparison of the Cambion Drift open world to the other Warframe open worlds. The article compared ten common gaming aspects.

While this might be helpful to some gamers, there are some realities with the Cambion Drift that are downright frustrating.

The Token System

Cited in the article is use of family tokens versus accumulating straight reputation. While Gamerant praises the token system as a way for players to accumulate wealth without bypassing the daily reputation limits, there are some issues.

First is you either have to do bounties from Mother, or farm resources like hell for the other family members to gain tokens. Second, each time you cash-out your resources the game ties them to time-based exchange rates. This means cashing out gems with Otak is not a straight X gems for Y reputation. It’s more like Ticker’s debt-bonds.

Finally, the reputation gained per token is scaled with Grandmother tokens being worth the most. Sometimes you can find Grandmother tokens in the Cambion Drift, but more than likely you need to exchange other family tokens for them. Typically, it requires ten of either Mother, Daughter, Father or Otak tokens to one Grandmother token. Or Two Son tokens to one Grandmother token. No matter the combination, Grandmother tokens are the better way to earn a reputation, if this is your goal.

It’s Nothing but Warfarming

With this extra economic layer added to reach goals like the Necramechs and Helminth system, Warframe is keeping to its farming roots.

Historically, Warframe has had a problem of players quickly blowing through content then complaining about a content drought. Earlier in the game’s history, Digital Extremes (DE) had more constant content drops. But this is when the game was new. When adding something to the game was exciting. Like unwrapping a present as a kid. But now for many veterans (and I use that term loosely) the game can seem like a chore. Same old, same old. Farm for this to get this prize.



Seth Underwood

54+ autistic, undiagnosed dyslexic, sufferer of chronic migraines, writer of dark science fiction, player of video games and Mike Pondsmith Fan. Race- Human.