Day 10 of Flatiron School

Seth Alexander
2 min readMar 9, 2017


I got a lot done this morning. Especially after the coffee kicked in. When I started I was definitely not 100% awake. I even did some extra credit on a lab which I typically do not do. I’ve never been the type to want to score 105 on a test because I aced it AND the extra credit. I did this one specifically because I knew it wouldn’t take much time as I was writing a generic method for a specific method I had just completed. Basically inserting place holders where the original problem had specific items.

So first I solved this:
Advanced: Try building a method swap_elements_from_to that takes in three arguments, array, index, destination_index, that will allow you to specify the index of the element you would like to move to a new index.
Like this:

Then I did this:
Advanced #2: Try writing test coverage for it! Like this:

And it worked!

I successfully wrote my first test! I was stoked! I know that I’ll have to write my own tests in the future so this small win was nice.

As I kept on working, I must say, the fact that I got this as an error is awesome:

I can definitely see why test driven development (TDD) makes so much sense. I had been thinking it was almost like doing double the work but I could’ve been stuck there forever because of one letter.

Time spent today: 2:39
Time spent total: 41:07
Lessons completed today: 9
Lessons completed total: 218

Go back to Day 9. Continue to Day 11.

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This originally appeared on my blog here.



Seth Alexander

Husband & Daddy. Engineer @EvidenceCare. @FlatironSchool graduate.