Day 8 of Flatiron School

Seth Alexander
2 min readMar 7, 2017


Started the day off with a win before 8 am. I was working on a lab to take an array and return a string with Oxford commas inserted. I finished the lab and had it passing tests then refactored and chopped two lines of code out of it. This made me happy.

My original code.
My refactored code.

Another refactoring win today while the kids were napping. I had the following to accomplish: “Write a method called reverse_each_word that takes in a string argument of a sentence and returns that same sentence with each word reversed in place.”

I realized that I could chain the mehods together since I was calling them all on the same element. Then I also realized that it was going to return automatically from the method so I had no need for the return either. Ruby-Doc is quickly becoming one of my best friends while working on this Procedural Ruby section.

Today was the day of Slack distraction. This can be seen by the number of lessons I completed. However, networking and connecting with other students is important to an extent as well. A few other students and I started down the rabbit hole of health and wellness and biohacking etc… I was able to share some of the things I do like my morning stretching from Gymnastic Bodies, how I drink my coffee cocktail (coffee + grassfed ghee currently), and meditation utilizing Calm. Also how I diffuse essential oils in the office I study/code in and listen to while I code. How I have some Four Sigmatic Lion’s Mane Elixir on the way from Thrive Market (because it’s <$26 there) and some Brain Boost from Amazon.

Time spent today: 3:17
Time spent total: 36:43
Lessons completed today: 9
Lessons completed total: 206

Go back to Day 7. Continue to Day 9.

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This originally appeared on my blog here.



Seth Alexander

Husband & Daddy. Engineer @EvidenceCare. @FlatironSchool graduate.