12 Completely Outdated SEO Practices You Should Avoid

Seth Goldstein
1 min readDec 27, 2018


If you’re still doing these. Just STOP. You will do more harm than good. Some things like Keyword stuffing have been a no-no for a while now. Others like Keyword Density are a little newer. Regardless, as Matt Cutts (the former Spam-Killer at Google) has always said: “Write good content.”

Here are 12 SEO practices that used to work (to some extent), but now could do more harm than good for your brand or website.

Source: 12 Completely Outdated SEO Practices You Should Avoid

Originally published at Seth M. Goldstein.



Seth Goldstein

Editor/Writer of the Marketing Junto Newsletter and podcaster at Entrepreneur’s Enigma and Digital Marketing Dive.