Sony Pictures Was Hacked… North Korea Was Behind It. Now What?

Seth Goldstein
2 min readDec 18, 2014

Sony Pictures was hacked. Terrorist threats were made. Now a dumb comedy about two journalists trying to kill the North Korean leader isn’t being shown because of threats of terrorist attacks.

The group, the Guardians of Peace (ironic name isn’t it?), seems to have gotten their sponsorship from North Korea itself (

First, who’s hair-brained idea was it to make a movie plot about killing a sitting world leader? Especially a world leader known for being a little bit unhinged? That was dumb (which is saying it lightly). Even if it’s a leader who is a tyrant and a maniac, it’s in poor taste.

Does this look like a guy who is playing around? I don’t think so.

Second, what can the US do? North Korea is a rogue, isolated, desperate nation with nuclear weapons. There has to be some kind of recourse, I know that, but what? There are already sanctions against the country. We can invade without starting World War III. Maybe a cyber attack back? But wouldn't that just fan the flames more?

I don’t think there’s an easy answer.

As far as the choice to pull the movie after the GOP (the hackers), made threats of a new 9/11, I think it was a bad idea. Now hackers and countries have a playbook on how to get their way and effect Americans’ freedoms. They found the weak point in the United State’s armor. This is not a good thing. In my opinion a terrorist attack has already occurred that might have an even more lasting impact on our country than a physical attack. Afterall terrorism doesn’t have to manifest itself in death and carnage. It just needs to instill terror — which is exactly what it did.

I don’t want another 9/11… ever. Especially over the holidays. But now that we have set this dangerous precedent, what’s next?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Post them below or hit me up on Twitter @sethgoldstein.

Seth Goldstein is the founder of Netcast Network, a podcast network focusing on the technology and startup scene emerging and growing in Philadelphia and the surrounding areas. He is also the creative director of Goldstein Media LLC, interactive agency based in Doylestown, Pennsylvania.



Seth Goldstein

Editor/Writer of the Marketing Junto Newsletter and podcaster at Entrepreneur’s Enigma and Digital Marketing Dive.