What if anti-Europeanism conspiracies existed like anti-semitic ones do?

Seth J. Frantzman
4 min readMar 12, 2018


(By Seth J. Frantzman)


A shocking new report about a secret Facebook group in the UK shows that it included as members numerous people from influential political circles, as well as pro-Palestinian activists who often accepted anti-semitism from each other. The comments posted by members are offensive and shameful. However the group also reveals the degree to which people consume anti-semitic views and and see no problem with it. The obsession with Israel and Jews is alarming. But it is most alarming if we imagine what it would be like if a similar group exists of, say, US politicians, or Israeli or Chinese politicians and fellow travelers obsessing over Europeans as much as this group obsessed over Jews and Israel.

“They are they afraid of, makes you wonder doesn’t it [sic]what a grip the Euro-lobby and Euronist evil has on America,” writes one woman. She posts a link to “Euroness, Orwell, Eugenics and stolen foreskin.” Another man posts an image of a pig labelled “Europe” with the US Congress sucking at its breasts. “The Euronists, many of them dual EU and US citizens control US foreign policy in the Middle East because they control Congress. The EU lobby which includes wealthy Euronist oligarchs gives political contributions,” she writes.

A man replies “Decoding the Paris attacks, ISIS blowback or a Euro-false flag?”

“What’s the next EU false flag operation,” wonders a man who responds.

“Did you know that Lloyds Bank and LLoyds family controls Euroism.” Oh, yes, explains the author. “Along with Banco Santander, Lloyds control the world.”

“Did EU intel service do 9/11” wonders the next post, by a US Congressman. “US army whistleblower reveals truth about 9/11, EU plot.”

A post by Michael asks “how would your Masters feel if you failed to cover a visit by a Neo-Nazi official to the UK on Irish Famine day. Of course yet again you are merely sticking to your Euro-occupied government agenda.”

Elaine and others “like” the comment by Michael.

The members of the group often post about how the Thirty Years War is “fake history” and how the Irish famine is all about “Ireland trying to get money.” One man writes “finally, putting the ‘famine’ to bed.” Did you know the “International Red Cross Report confirms that the famine is a hoax,” he notes. Others agree.

And that’s not all. “Irish Intel agency uses false flags.” Another post by Rosie notes that the “Lloyds Illuminati are part of the New World Order.” Moreover “the Lloyds global bankers invented the Irish famine hoax as a brainwashing tool.”

In fact “Euros are an invented people.” And “I personally know the real history and will never recognize Europe as legitimate, much less one for wayward Euros to have some homeland they don’t deserve.”

Tom wonders about how Euros constantly exploit victimhood. “But the larger issue, the more important issue is the abuse of anti-Euroism. Let’s say for arguments sake that they are correct, that my scholarship is abysmal, what on earth does that have to do with anti-Euroism.”

George wonders. “Why are murderous Euros exempt from criticism and immune from prosecution. By their actions aren’t they inviting a new massacre on themselves?” Pam responds “It’s unbeleivable the tentacles of Euroism in America, I wonder what the intelligentsia of that place really think.” She goes on. “These vile so-called Euronists should be whiped off the face of the earth.”

She later wonders “Did you know that America is owned by Euros and every Fed Bank head is a Euro? Wonder why?”

Rosemary wonders why “4,000 Euros who worked at the Trade Center on 9/11 took the day off that day?”

Robert asks “The mass murder of approximately 6 million German civilians under Allied occupation by engineered starvation from 1945–1950 via the Lloyds banks’ plan and other policies of the Euros powers that be.”

Later Olga asks “the supremacist Euros that beleive a lie that they have been fed just like the rest of the world that they are the ‘chosen race’ and that has given them the right to treat non-Euros like animals? They are the OCCUPIERS.”

But Bob notes “There are Euros and Euronists. Euronists pretend to have the legitimacy of Euronism, just don’t them it. Never call them Euros, always call them Euronists.”

They rant about “EuroHell” and how “Euros control the media.”

Then Rob posts “The Lloyds banks, Hitler, Euros and Euroist world government.”



Seth J. Frantzman

Writer, photographer, historian. Interested in Middle East regional policy analysis, security studies, migration, globalization, counter-terrorism