The Juggling Clown

Rinkle Seth
3 min readMar 2, 2020


Have you ever been to a circus?

Ever seen how a clown juggles many balls at once?

It seems like something which needs a lot of focus and practice, doesn’t it? We look at the clowns with astonishment when they juggle. But one could also say that any person could do it, that it becomes easier with every practice and soon be mastered.

You must be thinking why am I suddenly so obsessed with clowns and their juggling… Am I thinking of changing careers and becoming a juggling clown?

Well, why not? ... Just not a juggling clown in the circus though, but I do wanna master the art of juggling in real life.

Wait what?

Juggling in real life? Ummm... We are loosing you there Rinkle...

Okay, let me explain that a bit.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to achieve a lot of things at once?… having so many things in your plate that you just don’t know how to manage them all at once…

You want to get that promotion and also a great life-partner who understands and supports you;

You wanna get closer to your family;

You want a hot figure with six-pack abs and maintain a healthy diet;

You also want to have a social life and be able to connect to your soul and know yourself better, and the list goes on and on....

If you think about it…It could be broken down to 4 major categories...

  1. Relationships 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  2. Career 👩🏻‍🎓
  3. Health ➕❤️
  4. Soul 👻

Rest are the by-products of the aforementioned categories.

Now getting back on my crazy obsession of juggling clowns, imagine these 4 categories to be the 4 balls in the clown’s hand; given that you are the clown obviously.

What we do in our lives is that we overestimate our ability of juggling, and start juggling 2 or more than 2 balls at once... hence dropping all of them as a consequence. And then we blame ourselves for not being able to juggle them well.

Imagine what would happen if you try juggling for the first time. You wouldn’t be able to juggle even 2 balls at once. You would fail many times unless if you have done it before.

Now apply that logic to your life.

Given that you want to achieve progress in all 4 categories, would it be wise to start with all of them at once? Not unless you have some kind of inborn talent in juggling.

But what if you try to master the juggling art like how a normal person masters it in the circus... Mastering one ball at a time and then adding the second, then the third and then the fourth one... and eventually juggling all four at once, making people gasp in awe.

The point I am trying to make is ... What’s the rush to juggle all balls at once?

Take it slow... master one ball first and then add more when you feel ready and when you can handle more.

So next time when you drop those balls, remind yourself that you aren’t a juggling clown, and you would become better by practicing, you just need to be patient.

Anyway I think I should stop talking about juggling clowns now before you think that I have lost it. 🙈

Adios until I am motivated enough to write another article. 😉



Rinkle Seth

I am a cheerful girl who loves going on different adventures, the ups and downs of each teach you to surf the waves of your life.