Starting the Fun — A Fun[ctional] Programming Series

Embarking on a Joyful Journey Through Functional Programming in Kotlin

Stephen Siapno
3 min readAug 17, 2023
Photo by Esperanza Doronila on Unsplash

I’m excited to introduce a new series alongside the Fluent and Fun Clean Architecture journey — the Fun Programming Series.

This series is geared towards enhancing our comprehension of the fundamental principles that make Functional Programming in Kotlin an enjoyable experience.

Throughout this series, we’ll incorporate relatable analogies into the discussion, making it easier to grasp complex concepts.

However, if you’re searching for an exhaustive, step-by-step implementation guide for various Functional Programming concepts, you might want to explore other resources.

Instead, this series aims to simplify concepts and facilitate my own learning process, while offering you a clearer grasp of these ideas in straightforward terms.

For more in-depth practical guides, consider the official Kotlin website and resources like “Functional Programming in Kotlin” books.

Here’s a sneak peek of the exciting topics that you can look forward to in the Fun Programming Series

  1. High-Order Function Unveiled: We’ve already explored the world of high-order functions and high-order thinking, setting the stage for our journey.
  2. The Power of Extension Functions: Discover how extension functions can make your code more elegant and adaptable.
  3. Mastering Function Composition: Dive into the art of combining functions to create more complex and versatile operations.
  4. Nesting Functions for Efficiency: Learn how to nest functions to improve code organization and readability.
  5. Lambda Expressions Demystified: Unravel the mystery behind lambda expressions and their role in simplifying your code.
  6. Understanding Pure Functions: Explore the concept of pure functions and their impact on predictability and reliability.
  7. First-Class Functions in Action: Delve into first-class functions and how they empower you to treat functions as values.
  8. The Beauty of Generic Types: Demystify generic types and see how they enhance the flexibility and reusability of your code.
  9. Design Patterns with Functional Programming: Uncover how functional programming principles can breathe new life into classic design patterns.
  10. DSL Magic in Kotlin: Witness the wizardry of Domain-Specific Languages and how they streamline complex operations into simple, expressive code.
  11. Function Chaining Unleashed: Explore the art of chaining functions together for a concise and fluid coding experience.
  12. Function-First Development Philosophy: Embrace the mindset of function-first development and its impact on crafting robust and maintainable codebases.
  13. Destructuring Declarations Made Easy: Dive into the world of destructuring declarations and how they simplify data manipulation and extraction.

I’m excited to share a glimpse of what’s coming up in this series. My goal is to bring you a new story every week, running alongside the Fluent and Fun Clean Architecture Series. Writing has become a hobby I’m eager to enhance and develop.

Good news: The High-Order Function story is on its way to ProAndroidDev for approval. Stay tuned for updates, and if it’s not accepted, don’t worry — we’ll still share it after we get feedback from ProAndroidDev.

But there’s more to come. Our journey is about to get even more practical. Once we’ve covered all the basics, we’ll roll up our sleeves and put our new knowledge to work in real scenarios, using tools like the Android SDK and try to replace it and use Functional Programming.

These upcoming stories are like practice sessions, helping us build up our skills and confidence in applying functional programming concepts. Think of it as building muscle memory for your brain, getting you ready to think and implement like a pro using these new techniques.

And don’t worry, they’re not meant to replace what you already know about the SDK. It’s all about the learning experience and getting to know more about Functional Programming.

Your support and engagement are crucial as we embark on this hands-on phase of our journey. Let’s have some insightful discussions and grow together!

“Step by step, like building a castle, we’ll strengthen our programming skills, one story at a time.”

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash



Stephen Siapno

Android Developer and Aspiring Writer, exploring the world of code and crafting stories in my free time.