Icloud v/s drop box

seth rollins
3 min readJul 1, 2019


Introduction of both services

Introduction of icloud

It is a cloud storage and there are various things that can be stored in icloud and some of them are pdf, word files, videos, etc. it is a service of cloud computing. This service was launched by Apple on October 12, 2011. Icloud provides an appleID that can be used to enter into your icloud account. There are 850 million users using this service in the year 2018. Icloud can be accessed on MAC, windows and on Ios. Apple has eleven data centers that are only assigned to work on icloud service. Six data center are located in The United States, two of them are in Denmark, three data center in the US (United States) and the main data center is located in maiden, North Carolina, USA.

If you are having problem-related to any icloud service then you can visit here on icloud password recovery number and you can talk to our professional experts and they have a good amount of experience in solving a problem related to icloud services. They have a good track record of 5–7 years.

Introduction of the drop box

It is a service that is file hosting and it is operated by the company and the name of the company is dropbox inc. and the headquarter of the company is situated in San Francisco, California. The service offered by the company is cloud storage and client software. The name of the founder of this company are two students from MIT and their names are drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi. They started this company in 2007. They work on different platforms from Ios to windows. China has already blocked this service. They block this service in 2014. This language is written in python, go, typescript and rust.

Comparison between these services

Round1 (Price and plans)


There are four different plans provided by Dropbox and they are a basic plan (it is a free plan; services are limited in this plan. Pro and business plan can be subscribed either on a month to month or annual.


Users get 5GB of free storage space in icloud and for additional space, the user has to upgrade. For 50 GB the cost is $0.99 and for 200GB the cost is $2.99, 1TB cost is $9.99.

Winner: icloud (it is cheap in comparison to Dropbox)

Round 2(syncing)


It gives a user a good range of features. Desktop Platforms that are supported on the various OS are:

· Mac: snow leopard or higher

· Linux distros far or wide

Mobile platforms that are supported on the various OS are:

· Android: OS 4.1 and higher

· Iphone: Ios 8 AND HIGHER


It is only designed for apple products but it can be used to sync content with windows too. Desktop applications can be downloaded for:

· MAC: Yosemite and higher

· Windows: Windows 7 or higher

Winner: dropbox (it is supported on more platforms)

Round 3(file and folder sharing)


It is easy to share web interface on dropbox. The shared folder can be created and others can be invited in it to work on it or link can be created the content so that anyone can access that work. Folders and files come under shared items.


Folders that are shared in icloud cannot be shared with anyone. Files can be shared but they will only iwork files. Iwork files are created using icloud native productivity apps.

Winner: Dropbox (dropbox sharing files with others gives it benefit over icloud)

The conclusion

If we compare both the services then it can be clearly seen that the drop box is far much better than icloud. And icloud cannot be seen as the replacement of Dropbox. Icloud is cheaper than Dropbox but other services of Dropbox are much better than icloud



seth rollins

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