Are you aware of the recent TVM updates?

3 min readApr 20, 2018


Transvaginal mesh is a specific surgical synthetic mesh which is used to manage stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse in women. While this treatment is successful for many women, thousand others have complained about the serious, debilitating conditions post the surgery.

Why is it done?

Vaginal mesh, or as commonly termed bladder sling or pelvic mesh is a surgical procedure which involves the implantation of this surgical product into the vaginal area to avoid pelvic organ prolapse (POP). The prolapse of the pelvic region is more common amongst women after childbirth or surgery. In POP, the womb to drops into the vaginal area, and causes the bladder and bowels slip out of place to create pressure on vagina.

However, the quality of the mesh or the surgical precision is not always as qualitative as promised. This is when the health complications arise and patients can demand for a financial compensation according to the transvaginal mesh lawsuit update.

What are the possible injuries?

Thousands of women have vaginal mesh or bladder sling implanted to treat pelvic organ prolapse. Although the procedure is intended to be permanent sometime there are some serious health complications where it calls for the removal of the product. This process could involve several revision surgeries.

The petroleum-based synthetic material, which makes up the mesh, sometimes become the breeding ground for bacteria causing severe yeast infection in the vaginal region. It also leads to extreme pain, incontinence, urinary tract infection, back pain , abdominal pain and inability to walk.

The obstetrics and gynaecology specialists have controversy amongst themselves about the use of mesh for POP treatment. Although the surgical procedures involving mesh implant has proved successful amongst many women but there are plenty of cases which speak about the serious complications which the patients experienced after the surgery. Furthermore, the patients are not always informed in details about the pros and cons of the surgery.

It is imperative that you contact your doctor immediately for treatment is there are any of the above side effects stemming from transvaginal mesh implant.

If you or any of your loved ones ever faces any of the above health complications, can go opt for a financial compensation. The attorneys would help you get through the transvaginal mesh lawsuit update where you can check all the applicable segments to reimburse the financial damage both pre and post the operation. For women who were forced to undergo a repeat surgery to remove the product can also go for a TVM lawsuit.

Latest FDA declarations

Thousands of transvaginal mesh lawsuits are pending against manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, Boston Scientific, Ethicon, C.R. Bard Inc. and American Medical Systems. The FDA in regard to transvaginal mesh lawsuit update voted to reclassify the device as having a high risk of harming patients.

In 2008, FDA released an urgent public health notification to patients and physicians regarding serious health complications associated with the transvaginal implant in the repair of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) and Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). Another safety update came from FDA in 2011 which warned the patients and physicians about the greater risk of surgical placement of transvaginal mesh for POP repair. In the same year, Public Citizen called on FDA to recall the use of vaginal mesh as there were considerable number of reports linking the erosion, bleeding, pain and urinary incontinence post the mesh implant.




SettleMyTVM with the experts lawyers in the field are really concerned for the women suffering from mesh implant surgery, so that they can achieve right compens