Ring Camera Not Recording | Pro Router Setup | 1+800–857–0779

Prorouter Setup
3 min readMay 7, 2024

In the era of smart home security, Ring cameras have become a popular choice for homeowners looking to monitor their properties remotely. However, despite their advanced features, Ring cameras may encounter issues, with one of the most common being failure to record footage. This article serves as a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for resolving Ring camera recording problems, alongside tips for setting up a pro-level router to optimize your Ring camera’s performance. For further assistance you can reach out to our dedicated support teams at 1–800–857–0779.

Ring Camera Not Recording | Pro Router Setup

Understanding Ring Camera Recording Issues. Before delving into solutions, it’s essential to understand the potential reasons behind Ring camera recording failures. Several factors could contribute to this problem including poor internet connectivity insufficient power supply camera settings misconfigurations or software glitches.

Poor Internet Connectivity:

Ring cameras rely on a stable internet connection to transmit footage to the cloud. If your camera is situated far from the router or if there are obstructions interfering with the Wi-Fi signal, recording may be compromised.

Insufficient Power Supply:

Ring cameras require a constant power source to function correctly. If the camera’s battery is low or if there are issues with the power adapter or wiring, it may fail to record footage.

Camera Settings Misconfigurations:

Incorrect camera settings, such as motion detection sensitivity or recording schedules, can prevent the camera from capturing footage as intended. Reviewing and adjusting these settings may resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting Steps for Ring Camera Recording Problems:

Now that we’ve identified potential causes, let’s explore step-by-step solutions to address Ring camera recording issues. For further assistance you can reach out to our dedicated support teams at 1–800–857–0779.

Check Internet Connectivity:

Ensure that your Wi-Fi network is stable and that other devices connected to it are functioning correctly.

Move the router closer to the camera or use Wi-Fi extenders to improve signal strength.

Consider upgrading to a higher-speed internet plan if bandwidth limitations are impacting camera performance.

Verify Power Supply:

Ensure that the camera’s battery is adequately charged or that it’s connected to a reliable power source.

Check the power adapter, cables and connections for any signs of damage or wear.

If using a battery-powered camera, consider upgrading to a solar panel or purchasing a spare battery to ensure uninterrupted power supply.

Review Camera Settings:

Access the Ring app on your smartphone or computer and navigate to the camera settings.

Verify motion detection settings recording schedules and storage preferences to ensure they align with your preferences.

Adjust motion sensitivity levels and motion zones to optimize recording performance and minimize false alerts.

Update Firmware and Software:

Check for firmware updates for your Ring camera through the Ring app or website.

Install any available updates to ensure that your camera is running the latest software version, which may contain bug fixes and performance improvements.

Pro Router Setup for Enhanced Performance:

In addition to troubleshooting camera-specific issues, optimizing your home network can significantly improve the reliability and performance of your Ring camera. Here are some pro-level router setup tips:

Invest in a Quality Router:

Upgrade to a high-performance router with advanced features such as dual-band or tri-band connectivity, beamforming technology, and Quality of Service (QoS) prioritization.

Enable Guest Network:

Create a separate guest network on your router to segregate smart home devices from personal devices and ensure dedicated bandwidth for security cameras and other IoT devices.

Implement Network Security Measures:

Enable WPA3 encryption and strong, unique passwords for your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized access and protect sensitive data.

Regularly update router firmware and security settings to mitigate potential vulnerabilities and security threats.


Ensuring that your Ring camera is recording footage reliably is essential for maintaining home security & peace of mind. By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide and optimizing your home network with professional router setup techniques, you can address recording issues & enhance the overall performance of your Ring camera system. For further assistance or technical support do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team at 1–800–857–0779.

