Seumus Michael Maley
1 min readMay 9, 2015

These past two weeks have been extremely productive.

There is value in “faking it until you make it.” No one will believe you are what you claim to be if you don’t believe it first.

When I was a much younger man, I wrote without any idea about how to actually communicate. Writing is one thing, but sharing it with others is another matter entirely.

It is this process of learning to share that is so hard for some of us. It is not that we do not want to share what we create. It isn’t even an issue of fear.

It is an issue of control.

On my screen at home, my writing belongs to me. To offer it up to the world is an act of surrender. It is also an act of collaboration, because in the end what all writers want is to know that our writing meant something to someone, somewhere.

As I endeavor to accept writing as an act of surrender, I hope that I am able to have a positive impact on someone, somewhere.