Jetpack Compose rememberSaveable: Simplifying State Persistence for Seamless User Experience

2 min readJul 24, 2023


Photo by Onur Buz on Unsplash

Jetpack Compose is a modern UI toolkit for building native Android applications declaratively. One of the challenges in UI development is handling state persistence and restoration during configuration changes, such as screen rotations. Jetpack Compose offers a powerful solution to this problem with the rememberSaveable function, which simplifies the process of saving and restoring state across recompositions.

State Persistence with rememberSaveable

In a Jetpack Compose app, state refers to data that may change during the lifetime of a composable function and needs to be preserved during recompositions. When the configuration changes, the default behavior is for the composable function to recompose from scratch, potentially losing the current state. To avoid this issue, you can use rememberSaveable to preserve and restore the state automatically.

Using rememberSaveable

To use rememberSaveable, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary Jetpack Compose library:
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberSaveable

2. Declare your state variables within the composable function and use rememberSaveable to preserve them:

fun MyComposable() {
var count by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(0) }
// Use 'count' in the composable function as usual

In the example above, the count variable is declared as a state variable using rememberSaveable. It will automatically be saved and restored during configuration changes, ensuring that the UI retains its state.

Custom Keys for State Persistence

By default, rememberSaveable uses the composable function’s position in the tree as the key for state persistence. However, you can provide a custom key to have more control over state restoration. This is especially useful when you have multiple instances of the same composable with different states.

fun MyComposable(id: String) {
var count by rememberSaveable(key = "count_$id") { mutableStateOf(0) }
// Use 'count' in the composable function as usual

In the example above, the key “count_$id” is used for state persistence, allowing each instance of MyComposable to have its own preserved state.

Limitations of rememberSaveable

While rememberSaveable is a powerful tool for state persistence, it’s essential to be mindful of its limitations. Large or complex state objects may affect performance and increase the time taken to restore the UI during configuration changes. In such cases, consider using more granular state management techniques or leveraging Android ViewModels for more advanced scenarios.


Jetpack Compose’s rememberSaveable function simplifies state persistence and restoration, ensuring a seamless user experience during configuration changes. By using rememberSaveable, you can easily preserve and restore the state of your UI components without having to manage state persistence manually. Remember to use custom keys when needed for more fine-grained control over state restoration. By incorporating rememberSaveable into your Jetpack Compose apps, you can create robust and responsive user interfaces that handle state changes gracefully and provide an excellent user experience.




As an Android developer, I am constantly learning and expanding my knowledge to improve my skills and deliver better results.