3 min readMar 19, 2022


Photo by Rowan Chestnut on Unsplash

“On the day when it will be possible for woman to love not in her weakness but in strength, not to escape herself but to find herself, not to abase herself but to assert herself — on that day love will become for her, as for man, a source of life and not of mortal danger.’’ — Simone de Beauvoir

I am human being which means I am an emotional creature. I act based on my feelings and it does feel good. Don’t tell me to suppress them in order to make you feel comfortable.

Look into my eyes…

I have the freedom to choose my moods, my words and my actions. I know that my independence comes with certain price. It becomes a bargain if you don’t make the right decisions.

I tried so hard for so long, to find the balance between brain and heart but I guess I will always be a slave of my emotions. And believe me it’s a curse to feel so deeply. Confusion, negative thoughts, inner emptiness. But I’ve worked hard to train my mind to enjoy them, to live with them, to make them my strength. I’ve learnt to “see’’ the light during my darkest periods and now I feel stronger and full of fire. You can’t hold me back because I am fierce.

“A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” — Coco Chanel

Don’t be afraid to stand next to an emotional woman who is fully embracing her wholeness. Accept me unconditionally for who I am and I will love you beyond your faults. Admire me for my mind and my attitude, and don’t try to handle me. No man needs someone who is an emotional shell devoid of feelings and life.

“A woman is what a man says she is, and everything that he cannot be.” — Simone de Beauvoir

Being a woman is a difficult task and the main reason for it is because we are dealing with men. Men are ignorant of women’s emotions because they don’t understand their complicate nature. In that regard, there are some women who are naive and innocent, confusing men’s inability of emotional intelligence with higher IQ and self control.

If we recognize our inherent power, our hidden abilities and communicate them without restrictions and fear to our partner, we will become his greatest weakness.

If I can decide who I want to be, create and re-define myself, I will decide to ‘’become’’ a woman again.

We are strong and courageous.

We give fears the middle finger.

We admit it when we don’t have all the answers.

We push ourselves beyond limit and work harder whether it at our work, relationships, education, or any aspect of life for that matter.

We know who we are and we don’t depend on anyone else to tell us or remind us of that.

Compassion and kindness are our key traits which connect us with others and inspire them.

We know how to handle and share emotions.

We rely and listen our own voice, because only we know better what we really need.

We push ourselves to the limit and beyond.

We don’t let anyone to hold us back.

We follow our hearts and not the rules that society set on us.

We are badass.

When things get tough we laugh louder and push harder. — Cheryl Drury, athlete