Earn Upto $10,752/Month with YouTube Automation — Here’s How

Create Faceless YouTube Automation Channel with the power of AI.

Seven Sky Writes
3 min readJul 22, 2024
Earn Upto $10,752/Month with YouTube Automation — Here’s How (image edited by the author)

Did you know you can make money online while you sleep, just with YouTube Automation.

If you tired of the daily routine at your 9–5 job and want to earn passive income from the comfort of your home. YouTube automation could be the solution for you.

In this blog post, I will guide you how YouTube automation works and how it could potentially generate you over $10,000 per month with very little ongoing effort. So, make sure to read this content till end.

What is YouTube Automation

YouTube automation uses AI (artificial intelligence) to create and manage YouTube channels completely on autopilot.

Powerful AI tools sources high-quality content, uploads videos, optimizes titles/descriptions, engages with viewers and more, all without any human intervention.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

This allows channels to grow rapidly yet require minimal manual work.

YouTube Automation Business

When done right, YouTube automation can become a highly profitable business.

Multiple automated channels uploading frequently means constant new views, subscribers, and revenue from ads.

Top operators manage hundreds of channels together earning over $10,000 per month. The income comes in passively too while you focus your time elsewhere.

YouTube Automation Example

For a real-world example of YouTube automation in action, you can check AI Guy’s YouTube channel, this channel generated full time income.

AI Guy youtube channel earnings estimate from social blade (image edited by the author)

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Is YouTube Automation Legit?

Some debate whether automated YouTube channels can truly succeed or are just “fake”.

However, when done right with quality content that genuinely interests people, automated channels can absolutely thrive long-term.

Many full-time YouTube automation entrepreneurs prove it’s a legitimate business model.

How to Start YouTube Automation

To get started, you’ll need automation AI tools to run your channels and the to learn the strategies.

From there it’s a matter of experimenting with types of content, seeing what gains traction, and scaling multiple channels simultaneously.

With time and the right approach, many realize the $10K/month potential YouTube automation offers.

YouTube Automation Course

For comprehensive guidance, you can watch 10+ hour AI Guy’s Youtube Automation course video that covers everything like setting up channels, sourcing high-quality videos, optimizing SEO, and scaling multiple channels for maximum results.

Use his proven plan and you’ll be well on your way to earning a passive income from YouTube.

Simplified .com can support your YouTube channel by providing powerful tools for content creation, design, and promotion.

Disclaimer: this blog post contains affiliate links.

